
New Member
Couple weekends back I managed to suit up and do some photos with my wife in the forest near our house. The color and location for my Jun build was too perfect not to make happen.

Even managed to actually remember to bring my Oddball this time too. Heavy edited pic of it at the end I messed with for fun.

Hope you enjoy!


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Oh wow, those pictures are fantastic! I love how many detail shots you got too. That's something I keep forgetting to do with my own cosplays, but it's so worth doing, especially when your details look so good!
Couple weekends back I managed to suit up and do some photos with my wife in the forest near our house. The color and location for my Jun build was too perfect not to make happen.

Even managed to actually remember to bring my Oddball this time too. Heavy edited pic of it at the end I messed with for fun.

Hope you enjoy!
Absolutely outstanding. Admiring the sniper shoulder particularly since I’m making one too. Any tips?
Damn, these look great! Love the attention to detail and the lighting! I'm currently rebuilding my Scout Helmet (galactic Armory's files, pin in that), and I think you've inspired me to do the black sections with spray rubber as you did here - it adds a lot of texture detail! I really love it.
I will say though, you did such a great job weathering the armor that the fabric neck piece sticks out a bit - did you/have you thought about weathering that more as well?
Looking at these kinda makes me want to get instinct's files for the visor alone....
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Damn, these look great! Love the attention to detail and the lighting! I'm currently rebuilding my Scout Helmet (galactic Armory's files, pin in that), and I think you've inspired me to do the black sections with spray rubber as you did here - it adds a lot of texture detail! I really love it.
I will say though, you did such a great job weathering the armor that the fabric neck piece sticks out a bit - did you/have you thought about weathering that more as well?
Looking at these kinda makes me want to get instinct's files for the visor alone....
The black is actually truck bed liner, it 100% gives it so much more pop and character. In the game its a textured black too, so made sense to go that route.
The camo scarff is weathered, but yeah I agree it could use some more. Think I need to legit just take it into some mud and get it good and stained.
Instincts files are the best...hands down. Just my 2 cents though.
Noted with the black being truck bed liner, any specific or just a spray can of it?

This looks amazing, you've heard that already but man.... well done all around.

I love that tac pad picture! Any details or tips to mention on making that portion?
Noted with the black being truck bed liner, any specific or just a spray can of it?

This looks amazing, you've heard that already but man.... well done all around.

I love that tac pad picture! Any details or tips to mention on making that portion?
Actually I guess its not titled as bed liner exactly, but can be found at Walmart.

Black, Rust-Oleum Automotive Custom Matte Lacquer Spray Paint-323350​

Thank you though man! The Tac pad is just a color printed sheet of paper with a plexiglass top over it, set of LED strip lights under it all. Super basic but works really well. I wish I would have used a colored sheet of plexi or those color gel sheets to yellow it a bit more personally, but love it regardless.
WOW these are absolutely BEAUTIFUL photos! You have such a sick suit. Very very well done on the armour and the photoshoot!

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