a halo cook out

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New Member
hay guys its me sneakysniper here with best of luck to all builders and their builds. well im guessing your wondering about this cookout i speak of well for all here i am moving to Oklahoma, and as a house warming party im having a halo cookout if you can make it come dressed for halo lol. later posts will be on the date of the cook out so check back from time to time to see if i updated it. so far its planned for the month of may on 2013
It sounds like a lot of fun! But driving all the way to Oklahoma just for a cook out seems like a lot of gas and money so I unfortunately have to pass.

Have fun to who ever does decide to go!

nobody else? im sure to accommodate all food allergies can even make a day of it by storming places in halo armor like idk a walmart, gamestop, mijer, things like that.
That sounds like a really cool idea. A lot of us are a good distance away and college is starting up again. Also, May is quite a time a way from now as well.

You should also check out the Midwestern group in my signature below!
I'm not sure by your OP if the cookout is in Michigan or Oklahoma. That's kind of a huge factor. You say as a house-warming party, which usually means at the new place, so I'm assuming that the cookout will be in Oklahoma. Is this correct?
Yes in Oklahoma carp. And I liked the facebook page Mac well see how that goes. And Mac the time is negotiable sence I realize I won't have much furniture for a while lol posting before I get the details out of the way. So I will get my plans togather and post possible dates later so stay tuned for updates
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