A message from Nintendude (apology to the 405th)

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Thats what i'm understanding . Which leads me to wonder WHO banned him. If I do recall , all of the mods are informed when someone is banned. Makes you wonder what happened here.

I hope it is figured out soon. And that something like this doesn't happen again.
Just want to post here real quick. Since I'm not on here very much due to work. I would be John's brother. And yes what he did was wrong. But a perm-ban is a little much. Maybe a 90 day suspension or something like that he could handle. But so people know he has a lot of mental instability, not violent or anything like that just major depression issues and other things. He's already at the point of committing himself back into a mental ward over this whole thing because his depression has become so bad over it. He consider's this place to be a second home where he can help and be with friends.
It's hard to understand him and his actions, and this was a wrong move on his part. And it should not be allowed to let slide, but a full ban is a little harsh, that's something you would do to a recaster or a person who would steal a physical item from someone. But over a incident of a photo, just no.
Goose, probably the reason he did'nt give you the right story is because Jacob is a really good friend of his and he probably felt more like giving his full story to him rather than try to share that with you.
I hope it is figured out soon. And that something like this doesn't happen again.

I agree. This should have never even happened. I will be interested in what comes about with the mods situation though. Could be quite interesting.

Just want to post here real quick. Since I'm not on here very much due to work. I would be John's brother. And yes what he did was wrong. But a perm-ban is a little much. Maybe a 90 day suspension or something like that he could handle. But so people know he has a lot of mental instability, not violent or anything like that just major depression issues and other things. He's already at the point of committing himself back into a mental ward over this whole thing because his depression has become so bad over it. He consider's this place to be a second home where he can help and be with friends.
It's hard to understand him and his actions, and this was a wrong move on his part. And it should not be allowed to let slide, but a full ban is a little harsh, that's something you would do to a recaster or a person who would steal a physical item from someone. But over a incident of a photo, just no.
Goose, probably the reason he did'nt give you the right story is because Jacob is a really good friend of his and he probably felt more like giving his full story to him rather than try to share that with you.

I agree man. A punishment is in order, but not one this severe. There have been several people who have gotten suspended who did FAR worse things then John did.
So nintendude claimed someone elses work for himself? but then quickly took it down? the hell is the need for a ban? i would have just given him a warning
I was just saying that I personally don't know what's going on and that I can see it was not any of us who have been active a lot lately.

And also Goosebot I appreciate you stepping in with a bit more, but that all happened offsite, as in not on the 405th? Punishment is warranted to be sure, but punishment on here for things that transpired elsewhere is something I haven't seen before. Maybe for money thievery or recasting, but not using pictures.

And no, all Mods do not see when a banning occurs. I can see who it was and the reason listed but I'm going to keep that out of this for now.

I'm going to keep this thread open but keep it civil guys. I'd like to see a little more of the reasoning behind it but moderating is really up to each individual and isn't done by committee. So please keep the always-at-the-ready Staff bashing out of it and it'll have a shot at staying open.
I was just saying that I personally don't know what's going on and that I can see it was not any of us who have been active a lot lately.

And also Goosebot I appreciate you stepping in with a bit more, but that all happened offsite, as in not on the 405th? Punishment is warranted to be sure, but punishment on here for things that transpired elsewhere is something I haven't seen before. Maybe for money thievery or recasting, but not using pictures.

And no, all Mods do not see when a banning occurs. I can see who it was and the reason listed but I'm going to keep that out of this for now.

I'm going to keep this thread open but keep it civil guys. I'd like to see a little more of the reasoning behind it but moderating is really up to each individual and isn't done by committee. So please keep the always-at-the-ready Staff bashing out of it and it'll have a shot at staying open.

Ruze is right.
Is there anything else that could help this situation? This seems so harsh to put on him considering it happened without warning or any notification whatsoever :(
I think the mods should sit down and really think out punishments for common problems around this sites main areas. And post what they believe is fair so this will never happen again and if someone does get banned they will know exactly why. As it stands its almost like a mod/admin does what he thinks is fair without consult and large set rules, and this has proven wrong in every way in history... Not that all mods/admins are like this.
And no, all Mods do not see when a banning occurs. I can see who it was and the reason listed but I'm going to keep that out of this for now.

I'm going to keep this thread open but keep it civil guys. I'd like to see a little more of the reasoning behind it but moderating is really up to each individual and isn't done by committee. So please keep the always-at-the-ready Staff bashing out of it and it'll have a shot at staying open.

Ok I wasn't sure. I thought I herd it somewhere but it prob wasn't a reliable source :p Amen at keep thing the staff bashing out. Like I said before you guys have ALOT on your plate and the last thing we need to do is to not support you. You guys are trying your best to help this situation and dissing wouldn't help at all , it just makes things worse.

I think the mods should sit down and really think out punishments for common problems around this sites main areas. And post what they believe is fair so this will never happen again and if someone does get banned they will know exactly why. As it stands its almost like a mod/admin does what he thinks is fair without consult and large set rules, and this has proven wrong in every way in history... Not that all mods/admins are like this.

Couldnt agree more
Thank you Ruze for reply to this forum. Honest, I really want him back. He helped me alot, Been look all his thread and always learned something. And I think he was one that explained electric thing I m not sure. Atm my brain isnt working correct since I was worked 14 hours per day for 5 days and I m dead tired lol. But I came to check the forum and saw his name came up. I was like OMG OMG hes coming back!!!!!! I was sooo sad when he left.

Ruze - Is there an way There might be an Bug in Php? or someone didnt Post why or what ip is banned for what not? And second of all, you said most of Mod is not very active. then Why are they still Mod? should start update new mod. Maybe those mod start to wear out. Give them a break and get temp Mods. Such like half of year that (A) team do the work and (B) team take break then other half year (B) team do work and (A) team take break? I do know how it is to be an mod. LOT of stress.

Those are just my thoughts :) No need to shoot me :)
Have an nice day

BTW John, I really hope you are coming back because we darn MISSED YOU!!!!!
Ok I wasn't sure. I thought I herd it somewhere but it prob wasn't a reliable source :p Amen at keep thing the staff bashing out. Like I said before you guys have ALOT on your plate and the last thing we need to do is to not support you. You guys are trying your best to help this situation and dissing wouldn't help at all , it just makes things worse.

Yus. Thank you 405th, and thank you Community! Let things in the future go better than the present.
Like an old wise Korean Black-belt Grandmaster once said, "Today, not possible. Tommorow, possible."
I know exactly what went on here and as an impartial party I will say the following:
Regarding John's Actions: Yes they were wrong, and not only were all parties involved members of cosplay.com 3 of the 4 are also members of the 405th and all are members of the rpf. Actions are being taking on all sites. This is what is called false advertising no matter what the motives are behind it it is still wrong.

Regarding the 405th: Although these actions involve not only members of this site but also Props from this site, the offense itself was not on this site. It is unfare to punish someone so harshly in 1 place for offenses committed on another . Simply remove classifieds access for the offense so that it doesn't happen here.

Regarding the Ban: It was done by a moderator of this forum and it is legitimate, that being said I personally would have banned him from the classifieds for this action, and talked to John about it via pm's or some other channel that did not involve such an embarrassing display in the public forum from all parties involved thus far.

Regarding these situations: It seems that things like this are happening with greater frequency on or involving members of this forum. I would like to move that we create a new structure to the accounts on this forum, and a master "Code of Conduct" if people wish to continue to use the forums. The 405th is not one person, nor should one person define the 405th. Yet the actions of one person still represent the whole community. As such Honor, Armor, Unity must also include Fair and unbiased Judgement on both sides. Quite frankly even creating this thread displays exactly how NOT to have handled this situation. This thread shuold be locked, and moved into the hidden threads section. The matter should be discussed among the mods, and the parties involved, and the embarrassment of all parties involved as well as the 405th would have been spared.
It seems that things like this are happening with greater frequency on or involving members of this forum. I would like to move that we create a new structure to the accounts on this forum, and a master "Code of Conduct" if people wish to continue to use the forums. The 405th is not one person, nor should one person define the 405th. Yet the actions of one person still represent the whole community. As such Honor, Armor, Unity must also include Fair and unbiased Judgement on both sides. Quite frankly even creating this thread displays exactly how NOT to have handled this situation. This thread shuold be locked, and moved into the hidden threads section. The matter should be discussed among the mods, and the parties involved, and the embarrassment of all parties involved as well as the 405th would have been spared.

No intention to embarrass anyone. I do agree that 1 person represents the whole community . Just like any organization .
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