I'd fully like to see Props and Guns seperated out. Dunno about
paintball/airsoft yet though. It's a good concept, but demand doesn't seem to be there yet.
Maybe as an offshoot from props/weapons, a sticky thread just for this..
Defenetly need a weapon/ prop section. Airsoft is eaiser to manipulate as well. Plus After u r done messing with the cheap imitation, u can go out and get a good airsoft gun to upgrade it. lol
sorry about bringing up an old topic, but i got a new airsoft gun yesterday. its a MP5. its ok its. electronic semi of fully automatic. scope. 110 fps. 150 round clip thingy. 4 LED flashlight thing. collapsible stock. im gonna play with my girlfriend and her brothers after school today. its gonna be sweet.
hehehe anyways i got a mp5 and i took my scope off and the longer barrel off so its freakign awesome now, it hada laser sight but i took it and used it for somthing else heh.
we played on Tuesday but thats when we only had pump action shotguns.i love playing with my cat with my laser pen hes goes crazy. i also have a middle finger lens for it its funny