All console gamer Id list

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Since bungie said they were hoping not to stay exclusive on xbox( yes I know Microsoft owns halo). I figure now is good as ever to establish a ps3 tag page. spread the awesome that is 405th across platforms. I know this is a little late for this but I haven't been on for a while. I know I'm not the only person on here with a xbox, ps3, and wii. Since I don't yet have my nintendo freind code I'll come back and add it later but feel free to post for all 3 consoles
Psn Id: whiteninja1990
Xbox: Ob1wanShinobi
Nintendo freind code: to be added
Also I personally don't play it but I know some of y'all play wow feel free to post it too
Xbox: xXRhinocXx
Psn: xXRhinocXx
Wii: Have one.. never use it (seriously it hasnt been touched for 10 months)
XBL: kupokitty

When I go home on leave, I'll grab my Wii and update this...although you probably won't see me online for half a year because of deployment.
XBL: Xxseaninja951xX
... thats all I have console wise. but for any PC gamers out there, my steam ID is seaninja951...
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