And So It Begins...

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Spurks Donut

Active Member
Member DIN
Many of you know me from a while back. I came here in 2007, looking to make me a MC armor. I did it, and I was able to finish it. My end product:


It's been nearly a year since I painted it pink, and I've retired that suit. After going to 3 cons, it just didn't hold up anymore. Now, I got a little extra cash and got me some AdamArmor :) I also have a BlueRealm helmet coming in the mail tomorrow. I temporarily have a Spase helmet, but it's much too small for my big head. The BR helm will definitely help that :)

It's a WIP, and I still need the shins, thighs, and boots.... but they are coming soon :)
I've done 4hrs worth of dremeling on it, and some sanding.. quite a bit of work. It's almost paint worthy for the top parts. Excuse the poor imaging and crooked parts. I don't have much support for them so far, and without being anchored, they tend to tilt :p

Pics so far:







It's getting there... :)

More pics to come soon! Thanks Adam for the AWESOME armor!
spartan8675309 said:
the upper arms look weird

Most likely because it isn't painted or strapped yet. It may be next month until I get to that part.
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spartan8675309 said:
the upper arms look weird
there on backwards....thats all. lolz
....other than that....i remember seeing your old suit before looking around on the net , to bad you have to retire it...your new suit is gonna be awesome though , what colour are you going to paint it?

i guess since your getting a new did you crack your helm...i broke my first one trying to get it over my head...good times
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Very good work so far. You're gonna have a really nice suit.
What's that hole on the back of the helmet near the neck?
Humboldt_spartan said:
there on backwards....thats all. lolz
....other than that....i remember seeing your old suit before looking around on the net , to bad you have to retire it...your new suit is gonna be awesome though , what colour are you going to paint it?

i guess since your getting a new did you crack your helm...i broke my first one trying to get it over my head...good times

I haven't quite got down which side is which yet. I just threw them on for looks :p When I strap them, they will be the correct way, heh.

I'm actually going to go pink with it for the convention I'm going to (MTAC), but afterward, I will be painting it MC green for Halo-ween and maybe some other small-time events and parties... and just for walking into gamestop, of course.

Scooterkid said:
Very good work so far. You're gonna have a really nice suit.
What's that hole on the back of the helmet near the neck?

The helmet is cracked. I packed it wrong coming back from a convention, and it ended up bending inward... the next time I tried to put it on... crack. That's one reason I'm retiring that helmet, but it is fixable. I'm in the process of painting it back to green, which is why it's multicolor. I may fix it up later, but I'm getting my BR helm in tomorrow, so my time will be with it for now.
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Cool :)

I just want everyone to remember, it's Adam's suit that I got from him. Props to him for making a spectacular suit. I don't want to take any credit from him :)

I've just been dremeling out details and sanding it.. 4hrs worth. I plan on working on it more, but i'm kinda sick today :(
well even though its not yours , you have a good canvas to work with and a creative mind, lets see what you do with it (sry for the lame metaphor but i think it applies)
Yeah, don't give me the credit. It's a modified Muckle suit, give the credit to the guys who made that.
Thanks guys!

The BR Helmet came in today. I havn't done anything else since last night, because i've been sick.


You still put the arms on the wrong sides.

The FAT part of the shoulders, goes toward where your bicep is.

I got some of it painted, and the blueprints for the lights/fans are being put in.

I decided to go with 4 50watt (12v) Halogen bulbs. I know I know... they're hot and... HOT. I got it covered though, so don't worry about it. They give the perfect bright effect that I want. I can't keep them on for long, but who needs lights during the day? :p

I can keep them on for about 1 minute before they can start melting something, but the only reasons I would want them on are about 20secs long (Cosplay events, etc.)

My girlfriend is painting the armor detail (I'm painting it pink, but she's putting in all the detail)

Here's a few pictures of the helmet. WIP.





Yes. She is hand-brushing in the details. Lucky her, she's a great artist. She just scored a HUGE scholarship to a REALLY good art school :D
awesome, well tell her congrats for me....i only asked because i did the same thing, paints and a brush for my detailing....i found that after brushing in the deep lines using the same paint and a sponge helped to make the detail lines less , well ,like their drawn on , ya know? either way though , still looking gooood
Thanks Humbolt :)

More pics up :)

The chest still needs to be painted, as does one bicep. They should be finished over the weekend. I just purchased my thighs, shins, and boots. Can't wait to start on them. I also plan on finishing some strapping this weekend. I have the fans installed and working nicely, now. The halogens get installed tomorrow. :)

They don't look as great right now because my underarmor is in the mail, and there is really low lighting :)








Looks great!

Might want be sure your forearms are on the correct arms when you strap it though. :p
Also, I do like this pink a bit more than your old suit.
koobs said:
Looks great!

Might want be sure your forearms are on the correct arms when you strap it though. :p
Also, I do like this pink a bit more than your old suit.

Haha, I will. I just got the biceps down.. now I gotta get the forarms :p

Also, I like this pink much better as well. It's much, MUCH more like Donuts rather than the magentaishpurplepink i used before.
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