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The pieces could have warped in the mail. It's really hard to believe that the person is question would deliberately send them out in such a condition, especially to such a well-respected member.

But that doesn't explain the orange residue and the filthy breastplate.

Not saying whether or not anyone is innocent or guilty, just throwing my two cents in. Hope it gets resolved.
Tater Mane said:
The pieces could have warped in the mail. It's really hard to believe that the person is question would deliberately send them out in such a condition, especially to such a well-respected member.

But that doesn't explain the orange residue and the filthy breastplate.

Not saying whether or not anyone is innocent or guilty, just throwing my two cents in. Hope it gets resolved.
um... but that would mean that the person didnt let the material properly cure before throwing it in a box, which is just as bad
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Sorry to hear it Ithica, From what I've gathered from your other videos is that your a great guy and even great guys are entitled to get angry and vent, And like all your other video's it wasn't just about venting but you also provided tips for other people so they can try to avoid situations like this in the future.

Glad to hear they're trying to make it right Although like said I agree it shouldn't have happened to begin with... What about what adam suggested in having them send you the plastic and then using adam's molds? I'm not into molding and casting and have Absolutly no knowledge on the subject but from what I gathered from adam's podcasts he knows what he's doing so sounds like a good idea to me :p

Good luck to you in gettng this sorted out Ithica
sharkhead7854 said:
um... but that would mean that the person didnt let the material properly cure before throwing it in a box, which is just as bad
From past experience, packages usually sit in delivery trucks for long periods of time, and it being Spring/Summer time, the weather is usually very warm.

Heat + Plastic = Blurb

Again, my two cents, not trying to start anything.
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The fact that you had the ability to maintain your composure is what amazes me. I mean, you sent in TWO special xbox 360s, and you end up getting really deformed, thin plastic molds. I just hope this resolves soon.
THAT TOTALLY SUCKS MAN. On a bit of a side note, that calm and professional is this what makes me SO thankful great men and women like your serve to protect our country. Just wanted to throw in my personal gratitude for what you've done. I hope this gets resolved asap for you man.
I kinda know how you feel. I'm sorta getting frustrated about a missing piece to a certain object i have in my possession from a member. *nudge* *nudge* (to that person)
I hope it all works out for you, and that was AWESOME! how you were able to stay calm, i would have been yelling and screaming all through the neighborhood
you kept yourself so calm in the video, i'm respecting you

but serious the cast looks even worse than my helmet and my helmet is still without bondo+paint+Pipe
Dude I'm feeling bad for ya.
The last 3 things I bought or traded online I picked up in person.

I spose you cant do that in the US though huh. :S
Ithica said:
I am molding my own work and casting most parts. The stuff I don't have, great friends do so getting suits is not an issue with me. I already have and MC, 3/4 BUsa, 1/2 Arbiter and plenty of It is the principial of it all. It is being worked on right now. He does seem willing to help.


I'm very big on the "principal of it all" thing myself, so I know exactly what you mean, buddy. It pains me to hear you had to have such a bad experience, but from the sound of things the seller is willing to rectify the situation. Hope it all works out for you in the end.

juliet76 said:
It's good to hear that he/she seems willing to settle this matter with you Dave...

But still! It shouldn't have happened in the first place. If someone is willing to trade in the classifieds or anywhere on the forum with other members there is a level of quality and a time frame that is acceptable, and then there is one that is not. And what you have recieved is not. I'd like to think that someone here, on this forum, that is capable of creating their own armour, molding it, and casting it is intelligent enough to be aware of what an acceptable level of quality is in a product that they recieve payment for. And again- that is not. Rushed or not. And on the rushing point- how is 5 1/2 months rushed? If you advertise that you can supply another member an item that you have/make then you better be ready to do it the second you recieve payment (at the latest). I mean half that stuff was still tacky!

I'm going to have to leave it there I'm getting more annoyed then Ithica. But let this be a note-

Your fellow 405th members are your friends and your peers. We are NOT here to take advantage of and rip each other off. Save that for the real world, here we're trying to build a community that helps, takes care of, and supports one another. Be a part of that. Be a part of something special. Be a part of the 405th.

Wow... all very well said, my friend. I couldn't have said it any better myself. If I'd posted here before you, I could definately see myself having said just that.

Adam said:
I laugh only because I can imagine what each party is thinking. The situation can still be saved. Just seems like people were so excited to get deals made, that no one took the time to ensure it would go smoothly.

I'm the first to admit, I get in over my head on projects some times. But if you need help, ask for help. And make sure you keep honest with people. Like Joe said, we're dealing with friends here. So we all gotta be happy.

Very true. I've admittedly done the same thing on occasion, taking on too much project-wise in too short a time, which results in delays in getting things to people. I really make an effort to not have that happen often, and if it does I try to resolve matters before it becomes an issue for anyone.

Sean Bradley said:
Sometimes it's tough to know what to expect until the box arrives. This seems to be a frequent symptom of people doing buy/sell/trades before they're done with what they're exchanging.

Now I've only been burned once or twice, but I'm thinking that the best way to avoid this ever happening to anyone is to demand that deals only be made with finished part, accompanied by photos. Might be a good rule of thumb that if the goods don't match the photo, a refund is in order. We can't police it here, but discussing the issue (as in this unfortunate case) is how we establish precedent for how we should handle this as a community.

Glad you're able to turn a negative into a positive Dave.

I too have been burned the odd time or two my eight years in this hobby. Good suggestion there, btw.

DogWizard said:
I feel for you - I was burned in exactly the same way a while back. Unfortunately I chose to keep it private which I have regretted ever since. Good job in getting your point across without freaking out. :eek: We just need to use it as what it is - a very unfortunate circumstance that has brought this issue out into the open where it can be addressed. We need to use this opportunity as a community to fix it - for Dave as well as the rest of the membership.

I know that the 405th does not sell armor but I think it would be in our best interests as a group to have a "Good Trader Experience/Bad Trader Experience" subforum in the Classifieds. Multiple other sites I frequent (items in the $500-$20K range) use this as a way for members to share their experiences and hopefully give a heads-up when a deal goes bad (for whatever reason) or when a deal goes well for all parties involved.

These sites also do not sell anything and the Admins/Mods are not responsible for the deals - only for checking the content of the posts and making sure that is is factual in nature rather than a mindless rant. Heck - even the RPF rarely uses the BanHammer or administrative censure but still allows "good/poor experience" posts as long as they are informational in nature. We have a stickied list of "Banned Members" that doesn't seem half as useful as this would be. Just my suggestion and I hope that the Admin/Mod team will think about it as at least one possible solution...

Sorry it had to happen to you and I hope it works out - on a brighter note, you should be receiving a box here in a few days that should bring your smile back... (y)

Good Luck,

Edited for removal of non-constructive and easily misconstrued comment... Sorry...

Great idea, DW! It's the same set-up on the other prop forums I've been a long-time member of, and I definately think that would be a worthwhile consideration for this community as well.

One of the other forums, aside from having a "Good Traders/Bad Traders" thread, also has a thread where people having issues with a transaction have a place where they can clear up the details and resolve the situation. It's a stated rule that only the trader/seller and buyer can post in that thread, each explaining their side of it and then through civil correspondence there can sort things out.

Any posts made in that thread by someone not involved are immediately removed, plain and simple.

Now, that may be too public a venue for here, but I just wanted to illustrate that as 1) it keeps the two involved parties in regular contact (having the buyer posting publicly doesn't allow the trader/seller to simply ignore them; if it's posted publicly, it's known that a response has to be made in a timely manner), and 2) the Admin/Mod group is able to more easily monitor the content of the members' communicaes to ensure it doesn't get out of hand or downright ugly.

Another benefit to the public resolution thread is that it shows the rest of the community whether or not the trader/seller is a decent individual, willing to resolve the issue. Or, in some cases, has shown just how rude and unreliable the person is. Seeing the actions (or lack thereof) of the trader/seller helps others to gauge whether or not they should do business with him/her.

Going back to the "Good Traders/Bad Traders" list/thread, along with people briefly recounting their experiences with various other members, on this other forum there is also a grading system; +1 rep, -1 rep, or neutral. These points are colour-coded green, red and yellow and are applied to a list of known traders/sellers in the first post on the first page. A quick glance at this list also helps others to know who they should or shouldn't deal with.

These two stickied threads are posted at the top of the "For Sale" forum on the site. Anyway, just an addition to DW's idea.

Das Brutus said:
We can't witchhunt, we can't flame, so all we can be is sympethtic to Ithica. The frustration he is feeling has no real outlet... he can't confront the person face to face, PMing or calling is the only way to contact and is probably slow in response and tedious. I have much respect for Dave, his self control, and restraint... The Wife is proud of him (that's YOU, Dave) for keeping his composure and professionalism... as neither of us would have remained so calm and non-violent as you have demonstrated in this vid rant (read my signature)...

We both hope your finger is all good... I'm sure you have plenty of super glue at the house to take care of it.

As do I! There aren't many people I know in the hobby that would've handled this sort of situation with such a degree of professionalism, cool-headed-ness and restraint. Most people are prone to blow a gasket whenever they get burned. My hat's off to you for conducting yourself in a proper and civil manner, my friend.

However, the sad reality of it is, being in the hobby we're in, there are always going to be the odd person or two that will do this. With some, it's an honest mistake, but others it's intentional.

For the most part, everyone I've come across in this hobby are honest and trustworthy, not in it to make a profit but simply share what they can with others for the love of the subject matter (ie. Star Trek, HALO). But there are those that would take advantage of people, advertise their products to be something they're not, always provide below-par quality items then run away with payment and avoid any contact with their past customers.

The reason being, they got what they wanted, so to hell with whoever they grossly, unfairly screwed over. I've seen it happen more than once, and is just not kewl.

Let me clarify that I'm not implying the other party involved here is like that (don't want to unnecessarily offend, or have them think I'm accusing them of the same).

I'm just making a general comment based on past observations from other situations. In this case, we don't know the exact circumstances behind why what was sent to Ithica was sent to him. It is not really our place to know all the details, only that there was an issue here, and at this point steps are being taken to resolve it to the satisfaction of everyone involved.

Okay... I think I'll shut up now lol
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Well keep your head up Dave. Im sure things will work out. Especially cause ur such a nice guy. Im sure more then half the community would be willing to help ya out with anything you ever need.
As eclipsetuner018 said, half the community would be willing to help you out man! some of those pieces look salvage-able, but i completely understand why you want to send them back. good luck and i hope things go as planned.

Thank you all so much for the words of support and wisdom. When I did the video I had you all in mind which helped me stay focused. I truly believe you all deserve the best even when we may not feel our best. I think this will turn out fine and I am not discouraged with the hobby or 405th in any way. In fact I am so proud of you all and I have an even deeper gratitude for you all. Seeing the forum being sympathetic and professional like this is truly epic win all around. Timecon is currently helping me with some shins. I think that was a great offer. Tim you are a fine example of with showing your great work and your kindness. You are a man to emulate. With all the people I met on this forum both online and in person (which is growing) I have not mean one person I do not like. You ALL are great people. Thank you all for the support. Things will be just great knowing you all have my back. I like to look at the vid as a learning experience. Once again thank you all for being kind and professional.

Ithica said:
Thank you all so much for the words of support and wisdom. When I did the video I had you all in mind which helped me stay focused. I truly believe you all deserve the best even when we may not feel our best. I think this will turn out fine and I am not discouraged with the hobby or 405th in any way. In fact I am so proud of you all and I have an even deeper gratitude for you all. Seeing the forum being sympathetic and professional like this is truly epic win all around. Timecon is currently helping me with some shins. I think that was a great offer. Tim you are a fine example of with showing your great work and your kindness. You are a man to emulate. With all the people I met on this forum both online and in person (which is growing) I have not mean one person I do not like. You ALL are great people. Thank you all for the support. Things will be just great knowing you all have my back. I like to look at the vid as a learning experience. Once again thank you all for being kind and professional.


Well, like to old saying goes: what comes around, goes around.

I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say you have also proven yourself to be a kind, decent and likeable fellow. As such, you're very much included in the same category you hold the rest of us in. It's upstanding folks like yourself that help to bring out the same in others, and are a perfect example of how we all should be.

So, kudos to you, my good friend! :D

EDIT: Just tried Skype-ing you. Epic fail, lol. Didn't realize you were working today (sometimes I forget that Labour Day this weekend is just a Canadian holiday, lol). I'll try giving you call via regular phone later today, buddy.
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yea ide be mad to if i went ahead and traded over 600$ for something that looked like that it looked kinda rushed.
Dave, you are patient person and I think you totally justified asking for some sort of compensation for the items you sent. You did a great job at staying professional when it is so easy to just blow up and get all crazy.

I have not been apart of this community for very long and i have been doing the costuming for even less time, but one thing i do know is my limits. Its extremely important to know everything on your plate when making a deal or even just making a suit/costume piece Family, work, school, girls/guys, video games... everything! My main goal is just to have a quality suit done by Halloween, I know that may sound very easy but to a guy who has several projects in the works, a 9-6 job, girlfriend, and more video games than i know what to do with thats quite the task LOL.

The moral of the story is not to bite off more than you can chew and understand just what you are getting yourself into, better to over estimate the time line and get done early than underestimate and let quality suffer.
WOW. After reading through a lot of us have had issue with online buys/trades. It does suck when things go wrong....for both parties. Just keeping open communication and it works out in the long run (hopefully good for both parties)
This could be the result of a bad batch of casting materials mixed with improper packing for shipment. It looks to me like everything got hot and settled in the box. Although the armor looks pretty messed up, it can be fixed. I know that's not what you were planning, and it would be much more work than you had in mind, but it can be done.

Communication is the most important part of doing business. I don't know the parties involved, but it sounds like a big lesson was learned here. Good luck to both of you on working this out.

When you make arrangements like this, ALWAYS have the shipment insured. If the armor was damaged in shipment, the shipping company will be able to cover the cost (at least in part) of the item(s). Damage from heat is normally covered in shipping insurance. My sister makes candles in TX, and she's had angry customers open a big box full of multicolored wax with bits of glass poking out. This my not be the issue, but it may be worth it for both of you to look into.

By the way, this is none of our business, but I understand the need to vent your frustration.
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