Awesome Weathering Techniques

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Oh crap I forgot about this method and ended up using my own method, heres pics of my gauntlets using adam's method.
Vexona said:
Here's a thread on a Star Wars board where a fella shares his finished product and the steps he took to weather and paint around toothpaste :) View Thread.

I tried to find some shots of the actual process but didn't see anything specific, I think it's just a matter of artistic taste...mmm cool mint.

Hope that helps :)

Looks like someone took a few hits.Looks nice.Also nice armour Vex.And thanks for this technique.Looks like il use it.A whole year til i can use the suit anyways.And make it.
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i remember seeing a tutorial on this site about how to paint your armor, and when i did it with mine i used a microfiber cloth to wipe off the spraypaint. The effect the microfiber had on the paint job looks almost exactly like what you described doing with the salt. Also, i used silver rustoleum finish and a toothbrush to add the "scraped" look for the silver scratches on it. Overall the armor looked really nice with the worn effect.

EDIT: the paint job i did on the helmet
i also used adam's method.
might've weathered it a lil too much though. but when i just had the oregano green i thought wow that doesnt look as good as i thought it would be
but as soon as i started dabbing silver onto it i was like wow... this is way better than i thought it would be.

Do all these methods work on pepakura? Some of steps require washing it! Won't my pepakura armor get all soggy then?
master chef..
instead of covering the whole thing with glaze to make it look smooth i attatched separate pieces of plastic with different numbers of cardboard strips under them to give it the smooth effect... then put glazing putty in the cracks so it looks all connected.

i might do a tutorial on it later on, but for now i dont have enough time to finish the rest of the armor...
but for sure i'll make one.

and no, i didn't use a dremel at all for this, except when i trimmed the hole on the bottom so my head would fit, and to cut the paper faceshield out.
cys920622 said:
master chef..
instead of covering the whole thing with glaze to make it look smooth i attatched separate pieces of plastic with different numbers of cardboard strips under them to give it the smooth effect... then put glazing putty in the cracks so it looks all connected.

i might do a tutorial on it later on, but for now i dont have enough time to finish the rest of the armor...
but for sure i'll make one.

and no, i didn't use a dremel at all for this, except when i trimmed the hole on the bottom so my head would fit, and to cut the paper faceshield out.

I think user MLC is doing something similar. Check out his thread/gallery. Inspiring stuff.
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SPU7N1K said:
Do all these methods work on pepakura? Some of steps require washing it! Won't my pepakura armor get all soggy then?

Washing? An oil wash is like a transparent paint layer, not literally washing your armor. And if you wanted to I'm sure you could actually wash fiberglassed pepakura armor. the paper might come off though.
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I am a big fan of undercoats that are exposed to show distress. I pulled this armor in black ABS, then painted in white with Krylon Fusion, so that it would fuse to the plastic. I then painted the stripes. Once that was done, I used 400 grit to wear through the paint layers. I have used the toothpaste method and it is great for hard edges. Here are the examples:



Rocknrollcows said:
where could i get oregano green?

is it like a color of spraypaint?

Yes it is but IDK where to buy it. And Spartan K22 "uhhh isnt there a video on youtube on how to weather your armor???" correct there is. Your point? Are we not allowed to discuss weathering?

Firestorm... NICE ARMOR! I'm liking it!
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I can't wait for my MC armor to get here. I am wanting it to be my crowning achievement! It is an ABS kit, so I am going to pull out the stops to make it appear as if it were NOT ABS. I have three techniques that I prefer and will experiment with them all before the final version.
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