Best Foam Files for ODST?

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Active Member
hey all! so ive been looking aroudn and have been seeing some AMAZING Halo 3 ODST armor, and i was wondering where is the best foam files around? i dont do pepakura, im doing the helmet right now and im not enjoying it XD

any help would be greatly appreciated!
Well,i think the best foam files are the files u unfolded ur self! Ofcourse,to have good unfolded models,u need detailed models.u can find them in the 405th's halo data base.or u can use hugh's foam file,but u have to fix some details.others parts are quite basic and easy to glue together
The files by Hugh are really good models for ODST. And you can convert a basic pepakura file to a "foam" file by removing the tabs in pepakura. From there you can tweak them as needed like anhtrung mentioned.
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