Building a Pair of Sean Bradley ODST Kits

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Well-Known Member
Ever since Sean started selling his ODST kits, I've wanted one. When he posted his latest thread in the classified section I thought "why buy one when you can get two for twice the price?" and jumped at the opportunity to get a couple fo these kits.

I'm not sure if anyone else has posted a WIP thread on building one of these. Then again the comprehensive 81-page instruction book Sean wrote for building this kit are so thorough and well-written that this thread will be mostly for my own benefit. I keep thinking that by showing my progress to the world I'll be pressured to actually make progress so I've got something to show.

So the other day a couple of boxes arrived packed with plastic goodness:

Like a little kid, the first thing I had to do was dig through and find a helmet and visor and try them on with my AR:

It was pretty hot outside when the boxes arrived and it didn't do the rotocast helmets any favors. They were a bit pinched and I had to spend some time with the heat gun working the warps out. Otherwise, they're nice thick castings that look like they'll hold up fine to the occasional bump or drop.

After geeking out for a bit, the next step was to dig through the box and check to see that everything was there and undamaged. It turns out that there weren't any cracks or breaks, so I set about building the lower leg armor in accordance with the instructions:

With everything trimmed, glued, and riveted together, here's what the pile looked like:


As long as I had some assembled parts, I couldn't resist the urge to try them on and stomp around the workshop striking silly poses:


I'm taking a week off from the workshop to go play on a boat. More updates when I get back.

Stay tuned...
Yep, first thread I've seen of a kit build too. I'm working on my own, but also figured people could just read the instructions if they wanted a play-by-play. Looks good so far! Are you planning on doing reinforcement to the vacuum formed parts, or just going to leave them as-is?
I have a question about this thread. Where/ how do you get these kits?? I'm mainly interested in the helmet ( I fail horribly at helmet making) I plan on sculpting/molding the rest my own armor, but the helmet is out of my reach. SO how much do these usually cost, and how long?? Please help me out with this, I need as much help as I can get
I have a question about this thread. Where/ how do you get these kits?? I'm mainly interested in the helmet ( I fail horribly at helmet making) I plan on sculpting/molding the rest my own armor, but the helmet is out of my reach. SO how much do these usually cost, and how long?? Please help me out with this, I need as much help as I can get

contact Sean, i just got in line for a complete setup yesterday his prices are very reasonable and he seams very helpful an friendly.
Are you gonna do anything with the visors. Maybe something similar to your Eva helmets. Mine is a little see through.
Are you gonna do anything with the visors. Maybe something similar to your Eva helmets. Mine is a little see through.

I haven't really given that part all that much thought just yet. I'll probably tint them a bit darker, but that's probably about it.
I've started work on my kit as well. In fact, you can see my completed helmet in the Noob section. Anyway, I look forward to keeping posted on your progress throughout. Keep 'em coming!
this is awesome, i didn't know anyone sold kits, can't wait till i can view the classifieds section, ofc even if i bought one of these i would want to finish mine first
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