Countdown Back On

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Bungie runs some psy-ops that would make military intel jealous. The video looks really cool, but I hope this is going ot be something good. It is a bit annoying to go through this not knowing what they have planned. They've been dropping hints all over the place, but not all the pieces are there. They probably never will be. We'll really still be guessing all the way up to the announcement. But damn that video looks cool.
Man, I can't wait for this. That last pic with the pod dropping, if you look at the window thing, you can see the contours of the person inside. And quite frankly, I really can't tell if its a Spartan or ODST. It would be interesting to be an ODST but then again, would the ODSTs in this game be the Halo 3 ODSTs or Halo 2 ODSTs? Either way, this is looking awesome. Can't wait for this thing to be released.
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