Covenant carbine

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Ronster said:
I'd where that to school.

Then bigger older kids would beat you up for being a nerd.... but you would look AWSOME while they did it
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It would be just about as cool as Yoda vs Count Dooku seeing a kid in Clone armor handling a group of teen-aged trekies.
That's a pretty nice roundhouse there! looks as it might hurt the trooper more than the trekkie due to the fact that he kicked him in the shin...ouch!

I am thinking about carving a weapon this way myself, just wondering what do you intend to seal it with?
xalener said:
How will you do the barrel? Foam seems a bit brittle for the job. Too much of a chanse of it breaking while carving. Will you be putting a rod or something in the barel?

Damien said:
carbon fiber would be hard to get a hold of,

graphite golf club shaft obtained from your local secondhand store would be light, strong and cheap.... if you decide the barrel needs to be reinforced :)

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very cool ive always thought the carbiine was an impressive weapon but now you can look 1337 in public with the carbine, and like someone posted before, makin a removable clip?
That Carbine looks excelent and nice job putting that 501st kit together... my brother want to get a stormtrooper costume and convert it into a sandtrooper... :\... it's like $600 or something which he doesn't have...
Oh very nice! Oh and The dreaded blue foam of doom! I used that stuff in Art School for a few projects, that damn foam dust got EVERYWHERE! Looks great :D
when u finish it, u should put some clay or putty on it, and make a mold out of it. that would be awsome!!! :lol:
Hey im using that Styrofoam too, i just got these cut out and slightly sanded yesterday, so there not that good yet
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