York D029

Hey yall!
I have paused my master chief armor build for a bit, mostly because i want to do a simpler project to get familiar with foam, but also in the wake of helldivers I want to make a cool armor set! dont worry, ill come back to master chief eventually but i didnt trust myself to do a build like that without gaining some experience first. : )
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heres an inprogress pic of that helmet print, 2 and a half ish days left
Depending on how long you're planning on working on this, the Galactic Armory guys have said that they plan to release at least one full armor set.
I just started painting my Champion of the People helmet last night, though I don't intend to go further than the helmet.
Depending on how long you're planning on working on this, the Galactic Armory guys have said that they plan to release at least one full armor set.
I just started painting my Champion of the People helmet last night, though I don't intend to go further than the helmet.
thats cool! will they be unfolds of the files or just print models?
They mostly only do 3D print files, so I wouldn't expect any foam patterns. Though since you already have the membership, you could use the models to get the dimensions you need for your foam pieces and make a pattern that way.
They mostly only do 3D print files, so I wouldn't expect any foam patterns. Though since you already have the membership, you could use the models to get the dimensions you need for your foam pieces and make a pattern that way.
i might just do that, thanks for the heads up :)
oh i didnt know that, thanks! ill check that our : )
Just so you know, Armor Smith is a paid for program (about $40 if I remember right). But it gets upgraded often to fix bugs and with new features. The privateer guy that originally made it was a costume maker and was fed up with Pepakura. It's well worth the cash as it's a great program
Just so you know, Armor Smith is a paid for program (about $40 if I remember right). But it gets upgraded often to fix bugs and with new features. The privateer guy that originally made it was a costume maker and was fed up with Pepakura. It's well worth the cash as it's a great program
Ive heard a lot of people talk about it and everyone says that its amazing. thanks for the heads up ill check it out when i get into the armor : )
i think i printed this too big and i have a bit before the galactic armory b-01 tactical armor models drop so i think im going to reprint and use this one as a sanding/painting tester and give it to a friend who is also possibly making armor


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sand time! decided this helmet and maybe all the armor will be for a friend :) im just doing it for practice and experience. will be using the extra filament to print a helmet for an upcoming project


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one layer of primer and 2 of sanding, starting to rlly like how this is coming out


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first time ever finishing a helmet, spray paint job was very messy bc of the poor taping and accidentally using grey paint instead of primer (which caused that cracking effect). All in all for my first time ever spray painting, sanding, priming, and finishing a helmet in general i think i did a decent job


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