1st Build Dan's First Build: MK VII Sanrio Style!


New Member
Hey y'all!! This is technically my first cosplay ever!<3
I'm used to sewing and making things in general, but this is my first time doing something this elaborate. I've always loves seeing armor builds and thought it'd be cool to do it one day. I've been putting off this first project for a bit but I'm finally getting to it! My idea is inspired by @jaden.bowye’s Halo Kitty cosplay. Instead, I'm going for a Tuxedo Sam inspired look (since he's my fav Sanrio character lmao). I honestly went with the Mark VII armor because its what I'm most familiar with.

Ill only be focusing on the helmet this month to try to have it done by Halloween. But this is pretty much the coating concept like to go for.

So far...
I've been researching on this forum and YouTube gathering any bit of info I can put in my brain. Since this is my first foam build and all, I wanna be as informed as possible. (Getting to know Pepakura, Armorsmith, the process, etc.) I went with MoeSizzlac's helmet model and will probably just use the other files in the armory. (Which I'm eternally grateful for). I decided to do a mockup using cardboard to check if I got the sizing correct and luckily it fits!


Its definitely wonky but hey it gets the job done...
I'm pretty excited to start working with the foam! But the procrastinating perfectionist in me is admittedly nervous to do it. I know I'm gonna get frustrated with myself if it doesn't come out the way id like. Any and all advice, tips and recommendations would be extremely helpful! I'm pretty much new to all of this so any help would be fantastic. ( :

Ill probably get the supplies to build and glue tomorrow. My goal is to have it prepped and ready by my next paycheck to get the things I need for painting and stuff.
Anyways, It's great to be here and start my cosplay journey I'm hyped for what's in store! o7

I'm terrible with updating anything so realistically, I probably wont post for a hot minute. I'll try to be better about it though.
Hey look at that!!! I actually love the coating concept I think it looks adorable! Keep us updated, I am eager to see more >:)
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