Filming of a New Cosplay Documentry

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Please could you help! Just reply to the questions!

1. Name
2. Age
3. Gender
4. Location
5. Do you consider yourself a Cosplayer, costume Designer or spectator?
6. How many years have you been doing this?
7. What do you do for a living outside cosplay /costume design?
8. How many Costumes have you built so far?
9. On average how long does it take you to make each costume?
10. How many conventions have you attended?
11. How many of them in costume?
12. Why do you do it?
13. How many masquerades, competitions have you entered?
14. How many have you won an award in?
15. How much does an average costume cost you?
16. How much would you be willing to spend?
17. What are you major influences? (Anime, Manga, Film etc.)
18. Do you have a specific style when choosing your costume? (Steampunk, Crossplay etc.)
19. Which cosplayer do you look up to and who inspires you?
20. Do you use cosplay as a spring board to get into other industries as a career?
21. What would be your dream costume to build?
22. Regarding your dream costume have you made it? Will you ever make it? If not, why not?
23. What do your friends, family, co-workers think of you cosplaying?

Thank you for your time!!!!! feel free to contact me if your interested in having your say in the documentary!
1. Name
Jason Ellenburg

2. Age

3. Gender

4. Location
Near Portland, Oregon

5. Do you consider yourself a Cosplayer, costume Designer or spectator?
I consider myself a costumer.

6. How many years have you been doing this?
I have been costuming as a historical costumer (Society of Creative Anachronisms and WWII historical recreation) for twenty years but decided to add Star Wars costumes in 2007 and included Halo costumes within the past year.

7. What do you do for a living outside cosplay /costume design?
I am a medically retired veteran of the United States Army.

8. How many Costumes have you built so far?
I have built a suit of field plate armor, a WWII Wehrmacht Oberleutnant (German Army Senior Lieutenant), Star Fleet Officer, Rebel Marine, Darth Vader, Darth Nihilus, and a generic Jedi. I am currently building an ODST and a Wookiee.

9. On average how long does it take you to make each costume?
The armor took be about eight months to make, the Darth Vader took me about four months, and the other costumes took me about two months.

10. How many conventions have you attended?
I have attended about a dozen conventions in my life.

11. How many of them in costume?
What fun is attending a convention if you don’t costume at least once?

12. Why do you do it?
I was a drama geek in high school and college. I enjoyed taking on different roles to entertain audiences. When I first began costuming in the SCA it was to prove myself in armor. The WWII recreation was to use what I learned in the Army to wow the crowds. The Star Wars costumes was for personal costuming and charity.

13. How many masquerades, competitions have you entered?
I’m pretty sure you don’t mean the competitions for joust and bastard sword. I have actually not entered any costume competitions.

14. How many have you won an award in?
I attained the rank of Baron through tournament, but that’s about it.

15. How much does an average costume cost you?
The field plate cost me about $200 (two car hoods at the pick-and-pull and fuel for my welding equipment). My Vader was my most expensive costume at $3000.

16. How much would you be willing to spend?
Right now, I’m working on building them while spending as little as possible. The Wookiee costume is looking to cost me about $500 with the ODST about the same.

17. What are you major influences? (Anime, Manga, Film etc.)
I would definitely say Star Wars and Halo.

18. Do you have a specific style when choosing your costume? (Steampunk, Crossplay etc.)
I much prefer science fiction costuming, particularly armored costumes. I am really liking weathering techniques that do not involve a voluntary 35mph car crash or beating someone/getting bet with a dull metal bar (joust and swords).

19. Which cosplayer do you look up to and who inspires you?
Until recently, I actually had quite a distaste for the “professional cosplayers.” Since SDCC 2014, I look up to Adrianne Curry. Not only is she a friend in real life, she is an amazing costumer and an inspiration.

20. Do you use cosplay as a spring board to get into other industries as a career?
I have a burgeoning small business that specializes in costume creation.

21. What would be your dream costume to build?
My dream costume would be either a BattleTech Elemental armor or a Halo Elite.

22. Regarding your dream costume have you made it? Will you ever make it? If not, why not?
I am really hoping to make the BattleTech Elemental within the next couple of years. As for the Halo Elite… that could take a little more time.

23. What do your friends, family, co-workers think of you cosplaying?
Most all of my friends are costumers and my family are blissfully ignorant of my costuming.
1. Matthias Münchhoff<br />
2. 23<br />
3. Male<br />
4. Berlin Germany<br />
5. I consider my self as an cosplayer.<br />
6. I cosplay since 2008<br />
7. I unload cars and truck for ups.<br />
8. I have non finished jet and work on two at the moment.<br />
9. I don't know I havn't one jet.<br />
10. Sadly non.<br />
11. Not one jet.<br />
12. Because I love Cosplay, it's fun and creativ.<br />
13. No one jet.<br />
14. No one jet.<br />
15. I don't know, a few hundred euros/dollar<br />
16. I don't have a real limit, It's my hobby so I spend much on it.<br />
17. The moste influence have games.<br />
18. My style is sci-fi, but later I will do a Steampunk cosplay.<br />
19. Everyone how is better than me.<br />
20. No not talentet enough.<br />
21. My current Halo Reach Sparten build. <br />
22. I made it right now.<br />
23. Moste of them finde it cool.<br />
<br />

Sent from somewhere that is not home.
1. Aerens Ben
2. 22
3. Male
4. Belgium
5. Both designer and cosplayer
6. Grew up dressing up as a kid, i kept doing it my whole life.
7. Currently work in a contactcenter
8. 3
9. 1 to 2 years
10. To many, can't count them anymore.
11. always
12. it's fun, takes you out of the daily struggle. It makes you feel like a diffrent person somehow.
13. I don't do competitions.
14. none
15. 1200 Euro
16. Depends on the costume. If it was something movie acurate, allot.
17. Starwars, Halo
18. Armor
19. None
20. I would like to.I make some money on 3d modeling
21. Phase 1 clone trooper
22. Yes, eventually
23. They think it's wierd, I don't care.
1. James
2. 25
3. Male
4. NSW Australia
5. Spectator through to cosplayer (gota finish my build lol)
6. 1.5
7. Croupier at the Casino.
8. Built 0. Own 2 or 3
9. Current build is at about 1 year, ongoing
10. thats a good question... alot
11. 0 :( but i did new years in a Power Rangers Morphsuit :)
12. Its fun, its what i have grown up with. the sci-fi, the anime, the games; its nice to do something more then watch it on tv.
13. 0
14. NA
15. this build is probably at a few hundred$, but thats mostly tools/materials and what not.
16. in the long run, what it takes
17. What are you major influences? (Anime, Manga, Film, Games etc.) D) all of the above
18. Atm its just default stick to one piece, but i have a mashup planned. (IRON MAN/ SR71 BLACKBIRD)
19. Pretty much everyone on the 405th. completed build or not, these ladies and lads inspire each other day after day
20. its more just a hobby :)
21. havent thought about that. Maybe a LOL Nautilus?
22. thats a long way off even if i say yes.
23. they dont mind, everyone needs a hobby. and im the only one doing it :D
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This is some great feedback! Please keep it coming and I will post more about what I'm doing with your answers!

1. Kevin
2. 28
3. male
4. Florida
5. Cosplayer
6. 3
7. Retail Supervisor
8. 1 complete
9. 1 yr
10. 5
11. 2
12. Like being someone I am not. I like getting in the character
13. 0
14. n/a
15. $200-300
16. whatever is required to bring it to life in the long run
17. Comics, Video games mostly. Anime
18. World realistic
19. To many to name. the 405th. I joined thinking it was an interesting idea and every step of the way there has been those that inspire me to try harder next time. To try to obtain the level in which i see people on here do.
20. If it were to happen it happens but its my hobby. Its what i do for hrs on end just to push myself.
21. Umm..... A Warthog but that's not costume. an Elite or a Brute. Hunter
22. Hopefully one day I will. I am currently working on planning of the hunter
23. Most don't get it but are supportive as everyone needs something to do. those that get are amazed.
1. Jeremy Petty
2. 21
3. Male
4. Bradenton, Florida
5. I consider myself as a Cosplayer/Designer
6. I started dabbling around 2010. It didn't become a serious hobby until 2013
7. Design Engineer and Web Developer
8. 5
9. On average, it takes me roughly 4 months.
10. None yet :(...unless Renaissance festivals count, then a lot xD
11. latest 2
12. I love putting my skills to the test. It's a challenge to try and make your costume draw dropping. The feeling of accomplishment you get when people look at your costume and gape at it, it's a good feeling. Also being able to bring a character from a video game to life is something all in it's own. Plus being able to not only bring that character to life, but to BE that character. I also like to help others as much as I can and provide for my community.
13. none yet but I will be entering some soon.
14. N/A
15. On average, a costume costs about $200 - $400 USD to make.
16. I'm willing to spend whatever it takes, so long as I have that money to spend. 75% of my earnings go towards armor making, while the other 25% goes towards video games.
17. My major influences would be strictly video games. I'm really not into anime or manga (man I'll catch heat for that xD)
18. I don't have a specific style, I just try my best to match the game.
19. In all honesty, I'm not too knowledgeable on the big cosplayers out there. I just seek inspiration from others within the community. Hyperballistik (Steve) was my main inspiration to get serious about Halo cosplay.
20. I use cosplay just for fun. If it leads to anything big then I'm all for it. I just enjoy 3D Modeling and Building armor, which go hand in hand.
21. I don't really have a dream costume yet. I guess it would be the H3 Hayabusa.
22. I started it, got half way through, and then got sidetracked on another build (that tends to happen to me a lot haha). I'm actually planning on starting it up again...eventually.
23. Everyone I've shown have always been impressed. I've been trying to get my friend's into it but now we are all growing up and time is little to spare.
This is really good feedback... If you know of anyone else who could help, please direct them to this thread :)
I thought I should show my reply to help you guys with yours!

1. Name

Leigh aka Dax79

2. Age


3. Gender


4. Location

Jersey Channel Islands

5. Do you consider yourself a Cosplayer, costume Designer or spectator?

All the above

6. How many years have you been doing this?

I have alway created my own costumes since I was a child. My mother made costumes for the local school and theater plays.

7. What do you do for a living outside cosplay /costume design?

I.T Technician

8. How many Costumes have you built so far?

2 a year since i was 8 maybe.

9. On average how long does it take you to make each costume?

pre 2000 - a week. 2000 onward 6 months

10. How many conventions have you attended?

Events 10 - Conventions 0

11. How many of them in costume?


12. Why do you do it?

i'm very artistic. I have alway draw pictures and find myself making things. I love the outcome and becoming my favorite characters.

13. How many masquerades, competitions have you entered?

Competitions won - 5 ish

14. How many have you won an award in?

5 ish

15. How much does an average costume cost you?

pre 2000 - £25. 2000 onward £150

16. How much would you be willing to spend?

As much as I can get away with :)

17. What are you major influences? (Anime, Manga, Film etc.)


18. Do you have a specific style when choosing your costume? (Steampunk, Crossplay etc.)


19. Which cosplayer do you look up to and who inspires you?

KILLERSMEMO - Her attention to detail and the way she becomes the characters,
KnoxyMcKox - I have only just found this guy but he goes BIG and has given me the inspiration to get on with my 'Big Daddy'
Mokuyo - Talented and sweet
thorn696 - He made me want to build a Halo suit.
Yaya - Everything she does is perfect. And I see no boundary to her talent

20. Do you use cosplay as a springboard to get into other industries as a career?

I do it for fun. But if it leads somewhere I would be very happy :)

21. What would be your dream costume to build?

Costume - BioShock 'Big Daddy'
Prop - Ecto–1 Ghostbusters 1959 Cadillac Miller-Meteor

22. Regarding your dream costume have you made it? Will you ever make it? If not, why not?

I do not have space or workshop. Everything I build in constructed in my living room when the family are in bed.

23. What do your friends, family, co-workers think of you cosplaying?

They may call me crazy but I can tell they love it.
1. Name
Krissy Martin
2. Age
3. Gender
4. Location
Central Pennsylvania
5. Do you consider yourself a Cosplayer, costume Designer or spectator?
I consider myself a costume designer/ costumer. A true Cosplay is someone actually taking on the personality and playing out a given charater. I no longer do such roleplays. I do enjoy making costumes, and playing in them some. I also take enjoyment in making my outfits as close to true as I can.
6. How many years have you been doing this?
I have been making outfits for myself for 8 years. I had wanted to start doing it though for the last 20.
7. What do you do for a living outside cosplay /costume design?
I work in retail.
8. How many Costumes have you built so far?
I have made myself over 10 different outfits to date.
9. On average how long does it take you to make each costume?
Being to date most of my outfits are all cloth, no more then a month. Overall average is 15 to 20 hours of workmanship into them.
10. How many conventions have you attended?
IF I count renfairs I have attended approximately 8.
11. How many of them in costume?
Counting in Renfairs, 5.
12. Why do you do it?
For the enjoyment. I enjoy testing my skills, stretching them, showing the work off, and just simply talking to people about the outfits, and the outfits origins.
13. How many masquerades, competitions have you entered?
I have entered 2 competitions
14. How many have you won an award in?
15. How much does an average costume cost you?
To date most of my outfits have cost me under $50. 3 of my outfits I was able to make compleatly out of thriftstore finds, so they only cost me $20 each.
16. How much would you be willing to spend?
As long as I am able to make it in smaller amounts, spread over time, I could see spending several hundred dollars on an outfit.
17. What are you major influences? (Anime, Manga, Film etc.)
Anything that catches my eye.
18. Do you have a specific style when choosing your costume? (Steampunk, Crossplay etc.)
To date most of my outfits have been medieval styles. I have done one anime recently, and now am in the process of making ODST armor with my husband.
19. Which cosplayer do you look up to and who inspires you?
I look up to anyone willing to take on the challenges, and execute them well. Anyone who is willing ot put themselves out there deserves credit. Being in an outfit is not easy, and can be very scary. It takes a lot of courage to stand there, and be potentially critiqued, and harshly critiqued.
20. Do you use cosplay as a spring board to get into other industries as a career?
21. What would be your dream costume to build?
I honestly do not know.
22. Regarding your dream costume have you made it? Will you ever make it? If not, why not?
23. What do your friends, family, co-workers think of you cosplaying?
Several of my coworkers are amazed at my skills, and are asking me to make outfits for them. Family.. *Smiles evilly* Well I have my husband after 8 years of me doing outfits making ODST armor for himself. My daughter loves to costume as well.
1. Name
2. Age
3. Gender
4. Location
Tallahassee, FL, USA
5. Do you consider yourself a Cosplayer, costume Designer or spectator?
6. How many years have you been doing this?
Started with cardboard armor and helmets around age 7-9, was a jedi on Halloween around age 12, did the SCA for a while between 14-21, and moved to making science fiction and fantasy costumes thereafter.
7. What do you do for a living outside cosplay /costume design?
I do machining, fabrication, and warehousing.
8. How many Costumes have you built so far?
Perhaps a half-dozen decent ones.
9. On average how long does it take you to make each costume?
A couple months, at least.
10. How many conventions have you attended?
Maybe ten.
11. How many of them in costume?
Around eight.
12. Why do you do it?
Amusement, self improvement. I get to use skills outside of my day-to-day set.
13. How many masquerades, competitions have you entered?
Only a couple.
14. How many have you won an award in?
A bow I made won best prop once. It's not about winning, yet. That may change if I start winning.
15. How much does an average costume cost you?
Around 500-800usd. Much more if time is factored in.
16. How much would you be willing to spend?
Around 600usd.
17. What are you major influences? (Anime, Manga, Film etc.)
Skyrim, Halo. Perhaps in the future Zone of the Enders, Evangelion, Elysium.
18. Do you have a specific style when choosing your costume? (Steampunk, Crossplay etc.)
Armored, generally martial themes.
19. Which cosplayer do you look up to and who inspires you?
Not many. My inspiration comes more from concept artists- Aaron Beck, Greg Broadmore, Ray Lederer, Adam Adamowicz..
20. Do you use cosplay as a spring board to get into other industries as a career?
Not yet.
21. What would be your dream costume to build?
Haven't got anything in mind yet.
22. Regarding your dream costume have you made it? Will you ever make it? If not, why not?
23. What do your friends, family, co-workers think of you cosplaying?
Opinions vary.
1. Name
Sara Turner

2. Age

3. Gender

4. Location
Abilene, Texas

5. Do you consider yourself a Cosplayer, costume Designer or spectator?
I consider myself all of the above.

6. How many years have you been doing this?
I began working with cloth creations (mostly medieval/fantasy/historical) about 6 years ago, but began my first set of armor in July of 2013.

7. What do you do for a living outside cosplay /costume design?
I have somehow found myself working within the costume design field at home making mostly gowns, corsets, and related accessories out of my spare bedroom.

8. How many costumes have you built so far?
I've made at least a dozen dresses (some of them for myself) and even more corsets, but I have only made two full suits of armor, two grunts, and a handful (armful?) of helmets in varying degrees of completion.

9. On average how long does it take you to make each costume?
The suits each took about 4 months, the grunts took about 2 months, and my more complex historical costumes can take anywhere from 2-5 months (including the designing phase), depending on my degree of obsession at the time.

10. How many conventions have you attended?
I have gone to two conventions and one ren faire.

11. How many of them in costume?
One convention was in costume and the faire was in costume.

12. Why do you do it?
I keep learning new mediums and techniques, so I keep getting new ideas for stuff. The Muse just won't let me stop. Also see #17.

13. How many masquerades, competitions have you entered?
I have personally not entered any competitions, but my son's suit was in one, and my grunt was in one.

14. How many have you won an award in?
The grunt won second place in a Halloween costume contest, but my son's suit didn't win at the convention.

15. How much does an average costume cost you?
I try to be as thrifty as possible, so I find a lot of my fabrics from thrift people tend to give me a lot of cool fabrics. The suits cost the most over time of course, adding up to about $300 once I'm done.

6. How much would you be willing to spend?
If I need the material, I will go and get it when I have the funds to do so until it's done, regardless of the final cost...time is a great tool on the financial end.

17. What are you major influences? (Anime, Manga, Film etc.)
Labyrinth has always been one of my biggest influences to get me into costuming, but I've always loved the way costuming can turn people more carefree. Halloween is full of people that forget to be self-conscious for a day. So, I guess the short answer is Halloween, Labyrinth, and Halo.

18. Do you have a specific style when choosing your costume? (Steampunk, Crossplay etc.)
Not in mind usually, but I almost always end up trying to put a corset in it somehow regardless of what I'm making. I'm working on that.

19. Which cosplayer do you look up to and who inspires you?
I don't really have any one cosplayer that I look up to, but I do appreciate a well executed cosplay... so Yaya-Han and Alyson Tabbitha are two that come to mind. But, like ashuraa said, it takes courage to put yourself in the spotlight like that, and that gets kudos from me for every cosplayer.

20. Do you use cosplay as a spring board to get into other industries as a career?
Nah, my career spring-boarded me into cosplaying.

21. What would be your dream costume to build?
I started learning how to make Halo armor so that I could make a Meta costume for my son. Anything after that is icing.

22. Regarding your dream costume have you made it? Will you ever make it? If not, why not?
I have made it, and nothing is better than watching my son's enjoyment in the thing. I will, however, always be making improvements on it.

23. What do your friends, family, co-workers think of you cosplaying?
My friends think I'm a big dork but gush about talent, and my mother thinks I'm a genius, but I'm pretty sure she's biased. ;P My boys love it, because to them it means no limit on what they can be for Halloween.
1. Name Tanner Jones

2. Age 24

3. Gender Male

4. Location Norman/Edmond Oklahoma

5. Do you consider yourself a Cosplayer, costume Designer or spectator? Designer/Costumer

6. How many years have you been doing this? I started some time between 2008-10

7. What do you do for a living outside cosplay /costume design?
I'm a Mechanical Engineer, currently working for a pump company (energy), and while it is nice, it isn't really my calling.
Honestly, I would love to make toys and just design all day long.
Such as this project I made:

8. How many Costumes have you built so far?
None, 0
(Unless you count Medieval Faire costumes, in which I have one I wear that is slowly getting more and more added to it)

9. On average how long does it take you to make each costume?
Haven't finished one yet.

10. How many conventions have you attended?
None, 0.

11. How many of them in costume?
None, 0.
(Unless you count Medieval Faires, in which I have attended my local one every year for about the past 5 years)

12. Why do you do it?
To let out my inner barbarian.....
Because I'm usually shy.
Because I love people wanting to take a picture with me.
I like the challenge, but I'm usually pretty overwhelmed with the bar that I set for myself. I was always very artistic, but I gave up the free and fun and artsy part of myself to finish my engineering degree. I'm trying to find my way back though, while still keeping my engineering knowledge within.

13. How many masquerades, competitions have you entered?
None, 0.

14. How many have you won an award in?
None, 0.

15. How much does an average costume cost you?
I've spent about $250 so far on materials for my medieval armor, but it still has a long ways to go before I can complete it. The $250 includes 2 entire halves of cow hide in armor-grade thickness.

16. How much would you be willing to spend?
Now that I'm not in college, $1,000 (maybe more depending on what it is)
I might spend $3,000 on a tech'd out Iron Man build.

17. What are you major influences? (Anime, Manga, Film etc.)
Mechanical Engineering, Videogames, Halo Iron Man, Transformers, Fullmetal Alchemist.
I ♥ Armor & Robots.

18. Do you have a specific style when choosing your costume? (Steampunk, Crossplay etc.)
Uhhhh....... I ♥ Armor & Robots.

19. Which cosplayer do you look up to and who inspires you?
I wouldn't call them cosplayers, but they are designers and costumers.
Sean Bradley, Hugh Holder, and Brad Thompson

20. Do you use cosplay as a spring board to get into other industries as a career?

21. What would be your dream costume to build?
Honestly, I just want to build something I can be satisfied with. So basically, nothing short of perfection...
But In terms of what I want to build:
1) Custom Halo Reach Build
1.1) Concept Art Upgrades and GEN2 Upgrades and modular components compatible with the Reach build​
2) Finish my Leather Suit of Armor (it's actually styled to be similar to a Medieval Iron Man, but still unique on its own)
3) Green Mighty Morphin Dragon Power Ranger (Probably a custom version with extra armor added to the costume)
4) Custom Iron Man Armor with Movie-Influences with basically robotics added to the max
5) IDW Transformers Build (Springer most likely)
6) G1 Transformers Build - That also Transforms (Might do Optimus Prime, but I've been thinking more in terms of turning into a car)
7) Gundam (MAYBE, it'll be hard to compete with the sexy-gundams. I love the female Deathscythe Hell Custom.)
8) Xenomorph alien. With functional tongue, drool/spit, and tail. Although, I might prefer to make a Predator suit...​

22. Regarding your dream costume have you made it? Will you ever make it? If not, why not?
I have not yet, but I will. Okay, maybe the Gundam and the Xenomorph might not ever get done, but #1-#6 will for sure be finished at some point.
Currently, I don't have a tool shed or a workbench or anything to do work on/at. Plus my company doesn't really have any machines that I can use that will be all that helpful with any of my builds. Every CNC machine that we have is at other locations. It sucks. So to get into what I want to do and how I want to make things is going to be a big leap on my part, and I'm not good at taking leaps.

23. What do your friends, family, co-workers think of you cosplaying?
They don't even really know about it, but they do support my medieval costumery.
While I like to act like an engineer fresh out of college and spend money on silly things, my dad does care about how I'm spending my money.
I still want that $800 military-grade laptop case though.....
1. Name
Leonidas Varekai
2. Age
3. Gender
Male human
4. Location
Corpus Christi, Texas
5. Do you consider yourself a Cosplayer, costume Designer or spectator?
Hmmm.. designer/spectator
6. How many years have you been doing this?
7. What do you do for a living outside cosplay /costume design?
Oil field service / generator mechanic
8. How many Costumes have you built so far?
0 completed. I keep giving the pieces away or my daughters get a hold of the pieces
9. On average how long does it take you to make each costume?
10. How many conventions have you attended?
None yet
11. How many of them in costume?
12. Why do you do it?
I wanted to learn something new and it calms me down forces me to focus
13. How many masquerades, competitions have you entered?
14. How many have you won an award in?
15. How much does an average costume cost you?
no idea for a complete armor.
16. How much would you be willing to spend?
no idea
17. What are you major influences? (Anime, Manga, Film etc.)
military, anime, games.
18. Do you have a specific style when choosing your costume? (Steampunk, Crossplay etc.)
I would definitely love to build a steam punk reach armor set.
19. Which cosplayer do you look up to and who inspires you?
20. Do you use cosplay as a spring board to get into other industries as a career?
Oh I would love to work for Bungie
21. What would be your dream costume to build?
a Carter build or noble 6
22. Regarding your dream costume have you made it? Will you ever make it? If not, why not?
Time is against me. I have a hectic work schedule and when I am at home I play with my daughters. We have crafting sessions but they end up destroying what I have started.
23. What do your friends, family, co-workers think of you cosplaying?
My wife thinks I am a dork. My 4 year old daughter wants a full but she keeps playing with the pieces before yhey ar ed complete.
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