Florida Noob

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So I have a few projects I am working on I am starting my first adult mjolnir suit, I have done Spartan armor in the past but it was a little different by about 2000 years, I am in the middle of making a real knife and am looking for weapon files in STL format to use on the CNC router at my job since my boss will let me use it anytime I like. I am also working on a new Trebuchet (medieval catapult) for me to take to war in march. I am putting that on hold for the time being I hope to finish my armor in time for the November release and my kids are both bugging me to build them new suits as well. Good greaf so when can we potion to get a 36 hour day 24 just isn't doing it for me.
Alive and well in Pensacola area.

I'm by you Onmi Shift.

You never heard of the up tight, I'm richie bitchie, snot face city of boca raton>? Well, you ain't missing anything then! LoL!!!
i use to live in miami till i came up here to boca for college. im actually heading down there monday to visit the family
Lol, been thinking about doing the same, maybe a bit farther north though. No room to build in Miami. if you're here for a bit and wanna meet up and talk pep, Ht me up. That goes for anyone who'd like to.
FTW! I broke the code. If you want to find local members, there is a hidden search function. Up in the top lines of the forum, click on 'Community' and select 'Member List.' This will take you to the list of all half-billion members. In the upper right corner is a 'Search' button. Click on this and a search window opens for you to type full or partial member names. Unfortunately, that's all you can search--member names. HOWEVER, if you hover your mouse over the lower right corner of the white search box, and 'Advanced Search' option suddenly pops up. Selecting this allows you to search the member list by a multitude of parameters, including location. I used it to find five other members in my area of the panhandle.

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