Foam Cutting Tools

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New Member
Hi Guys, I'm currently building my first set of armors
with Foam!

So far, I've completed one forearm and it took quite a bit of effort in terms of learning curve but I'm determined to finish the rest of the armor by Christmas.

well here's the problem, I've noticed that with several people, EVA foam cutting takes quite some effort (not that it's a problem) but it does eat through Utility Knife Blades quickly!

So I'm just asking whether there are any alternatives?
I'm thinking of using the following
Heat Knife
Xacto knife


Hello and welcome! I've used the hot knife method and I find it easier than just cutting with a regular hobby knife alone. If gives a cleaner edge after cutting but you will still have to sand the edges for a much cleaner look. Some members here use a band saw to cut their foam pieces but if you are not an experienced user, you should probably stick with the hot knife method (and save your all your 10 fingers). I hope this helps a bit and good luck with your project!
Thanks for the warm Welcome!
Yah, I've used the saws back in in school (it's been a while)
Just never touched a hot knife before (I may purchase one after work today)
Will send an update with comparisons

Yes I've seen the turkey carver. The electric carver is supposedly a solution to making angled cuts.
I am currently doing the same thing, would love to see what you actually ended up with? Can you post some pics?
I use an Xacto Knife myself, I just keep a fine nail file close at hand and when it starts to drag a few swipes over the file brings it back. If you keep the blade sharp they cut the foam like butter and give a nice clean edge with no sanding needed.
I tried the hot knife method and hated it. Then I started digging around my toolbox from previous projects and found my aviation snips. They're made to cut sheet metal by hand, so they make extremely short work of foam and always cut clean lines.
has anyone ever heard of scissors? they cut right through it. you're going to sand the edges anyway. so common items are still the best for the job
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