Halo 3 - Custom High Detail Models

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thanks fs but don't rush not in any hurry trying to get the lights working while i am finishing the helmet will post pics of what i've done so far, and i'm impressed how good it looks. (all thanks to you)

was also thinking of putting the 405th logo on the front of the chest plate when its done any opinions are welcome
I'm going to take a look at my scaling method, because all the pieces I've made so far using my models have been a little to big (So far the boot and hand plate size testers). I think I got it right because with the helmet, which is supposed to be 31.9cm tall at full scale, when I scale it to 86, it's 31.9cm.
I'll still take a look again though, due to the varied size responses. :)
raven2751 said:
thanks fs but don't rush not in any hurry trying to get the lights working while i am finishing the helmet will post pics of what i've done so far, and i'm impressed how good it looks. (all thanks to you)

was also thinking of putting the 405th logo on the front of the chest plate when its done any opinions are welcome
kewl, thanks. :) any pics? that wold be kewl!! originaly the lettering i added was ment to be on the chest but theres was issues with it, i realy should have given up then.:lol: what style lettering were you planning on? (ie:engraved, printed etc)

Razgriz said:
You mean this torso that you never made? :D
:oops: :oops: opse, yea sorry. wow, its realy been one of those days... acuialy one of those weeks! :lol:

Robogenisis said:
I'm going to take a look at my scaling method, because all the pieces I've made so far using my models have been a little to big (So far the boot and hand plate size testers). I think I got it right because with the helmet, which is supposed to be 31.9cm tall at full scale, when I scale it to 86, it's 31.9cm.
I'll still take a look again though, due to the varied size responses. :)
whats the number 86? is that how tall the mc is? well if you work it out lemme know so we can all be on the one scale. makes it easier for everyone. :)


ok, well, apperently i need somore stuff to get my xbox online so i wont be on for another bit. ugh. but my gamer tag is 'flying 5quirl' (yea, i tryed flying squirl but it timed out before it properly confirmed my address so i took it but can use it! stupidness).

in other news, the torso is comming along grand, im still having problems with the inner struts thoe, mainly cus it involves joining three planes at one edge to make a continus surface (hopefully someone knows what im on about). ill post up a pick of what i mean in a lil while. if anyone has any suggestions twud be great!

oh and if you spotted anything i got wrong or missed in the torso lemme know. new 'beta' version out soon.

any problems, gimme a shout

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Well, according to the original scale that was here at the forums before we started making new ones, I have the scale spot on. The h3 chest is 0.5cm off of the h2 chest, but if you compare them, you'll see that the h2 one has a little bit different shape.

The people with the 45cm scale had it scaled down to maybe average size, or at least a little smaller than full size.

The numbers that I gave you earlier should work fine for the chest, but may be a little different for your helmet, because it might already be scaled a little different.

Also, the 86 scale is 7' 2" in inches. This is the height of the Master Chief, making his height in inches the full scale, which makes your height in inches your personal scale.
flying_squirl said:
in other news, the torso is comming along grand, im still having problems with the inner struts thoe, mainly cus it involves joining three planes at one edge to make a continus surface (hopefully someone knows what im on about). ill post up a pick of what i mean in a lil while. if anyone has any suggestions twud be great!
If you're using Max there is only one way I know and it involves completely screwing with the model and from my little test it seems to screw up Pep designer as well. My advice if you don't have a Eureka moment is just do the little bit extra and make the flaps.

Its either that or program a completely new 3D modelling program ;)

Wow this post really goes at odds with my last but oh well :D
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I would DEFINETLY suggest scaling it with Milkshape 3D. It doesn't screw with the faces, and it has an easy "scale all" tool that you just scale in percent. I described the process earlier a bit.
your model is awesome.
i've been pretty busy, and haven't had time,
but i'm gonna make it!
all there is to do is everything to make a helmet that's not paper.

thanks again for the model. woot.

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ok some pics of my helmet still to harden and paint will be starting that after xmas

[attachment=2307:DSCF0193.jpg] [attachment=2308:DSCF0194.jpg]
[attachment=2309:DSCF0195.jpg] [attachment=2310:DSCF0196.jpg]

had ran out of white card so the missus has been takin the piss cause i had to use the pink card which is all i had left :mad:

thanks to fs for a great model
raven2751 said:
had ran out of white card so the missus has been takin the piss cause i had to use the pink card which is all i had left :mad:
does she know you told us that? :eek:
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raven2751 said:
ok some pics of my helmet still to harden and paint will be starting that after xmas

[attachment=2307:DSCF0193.jpg] [attachment=2308:DSCF0194.jpg]
[attachment=2309:DSCF0195.jpg] [attachment=2310:DSCF0196.jpg]

had ran out of white card so the missus has been takin the piss cause i had to use the pink card which is all i had left :mad:

thanks to fs for a great model

I could hardly tell that it was pink. But then again I am partially color blind so that could explain why. Looks good though. :Thumbs up:
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flying_squirl said:
kewl, thanks. :) any pics? that wold be kewl!! originaly the lettering i added was ment to be on the chest but theres was issues with it, i realy should have given up then.:lol: what style lettering were you planning on? (ie:engraved, printed etc)
:oops: :oops: opse, yea sorry. wow, its realy been one of those days... acuialy one of those weeks! :lol:
whats the number 86? is that how tall the mc is? well if you work it out lemme know so we can all be on the one scale. makes it easier for everyone. :)

i was thinking of sort of engraving but i'm woring on a few ideas to make it look good maybe a mold in resin to be placed on to it
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Sinjinsmiley said:
If you're using Max there is only one way I know and it involves completely screwing with the model and from my little test it seems to screw up Pep designer as well. My advice if you don't have a Eureka moment is just do the little bit extra and make the flaps.

Its either that or program a completely new 3D modelling program ;)

Wow this post really goes at odds with my last but oh well :D
hahaha, thankfuly i had a eureka moment...well more a 'oh, why dont i do this?!' moment. :D

Robogenisis said:
I would DEFINETLY suggest scaling it with Milkshape 3D. It doesn't screw with the faces, and it has an easy "scale all" tool that you just scale in percent. I described the process earlier a bit.
same thing in max, the problem im having is defing the laws of physics. damn laws, why amn't i a bumble bee *refrence to why, according to physics, bumble bees cant posibly fly*.

Dev_ace said:
your model is awesome.
i've been pretty busy, and haven't had time,
but i'm gonna make it!
all there is to do is everything to make a helmet that's not paper.

thanks again for the model. woot.

funky! nice layout! very neat!!! im glad you like it!! :D

raven2751 said:
ok some pics of my helmet still to harden and paint will be starting that after xmas

[attachment=2307:DSCF0193.jpg] [attachment=2308:DSCF0194.jpg]
[attachment=2309:DSCF0195.jpg] [attachment=2310:DSCF0196.jpg]

had ran out of white card so the missus has been takin the piss cause i had to use the pink card which is all i had left :mad:

thanks to fs for a great model
heeheeheeheehee. dont wory about it. ive got an over sized half pink half yelly AR! hahaha. its looking great. i thought it was clay before i enlarged the picks because of the colour.:lol:

raven2751 said:
i was thinking of sort of engraving but i'm working on a few ideas to make it look good maybe a mold in resin to be placed on to it
that could be funky! would look great with a bit ware and taire effect.


ok torso is very slightly on hold. work is a bit mad atm. apperently everyone thinks they need there stuff for before xmas!!!

but the good news is:
ive sorted out how to do the inner supports

ive got XBL (gamer tag: flying 5quirl) connections a bit laggy but its hillarious at times.

oh and the project im workin on in work is fun... hard, but fun.

so in summery, all's good, still on track, just a lil delayed... like public transport.

any problems, gimme a shout


p.s. 405th was on HBO front page!!!! BOOYEA!!! you can just hear the thunder of stampeeding n00bs approaching!

pps: i know i promised some of you stuff through PMs, i havnt forgotten you, dont worry. sorry for the delay.
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flying_squirl said:
p.s. 405th was on HBO front page!!!! BOOYEA!!! you can just hear the thunder of stampeeding n00bs approaching!

So that's what the deafening thunder I hear is...

Also, I unfolded your entire old torso and then pep froze up so I couldn't save it. I was angry... Very, very angry.... So I guess I'll wait for you new torso. No rush though, I can wait! I need to get some mroe bondo! I bought the smallest can with no extra hardener to make sure it was the right stuff!
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How is that a contradiction? I said, "No rush though, I CAN wait."

Also, you seem to mess with me a lot... J/k ;)
Razgriz said:
How is that a contradiction? I said, "No rush though, I CAN wait."

Also, you seem to mess with me a lot... J/k ;)

Opps, my bad. I think I read that and thought it said "I can't wait".
My apologies.

Eh, I just like to have a bit of fun every now and then. I try to pick the people who will kid back. :)

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23Magnum said:
Opps, my bad. I think I read that and thought it said "I can't wait".
My apologies.

Eh, I just like to have a bit of fun every now and then. I try to pick the people who will kid back. :)


Yeah, I also misread it when you posted it. I thought, "Wait, did I mistype it?" So I read it again and realized I didn't mistype it. Yeah, I like to kid around online. Go check the Xbox.com boards in the Battlestation: Midway section. My GT is Dremora Warlord. I have fun with the guys over there.

But anyways back on topic before we get banned or the mods shut down the topic for off-topicness. :)
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