Halo 5 Wetwork Helmet modeling and slicing


New Member
I found a file on another thread for the halo 5 wetwork helmet but I have problems slicing it. I'm using meshmixer and when I slice the helmet it will slice but leave the inside hollow. I've tried filling it but that ruins the model. I don't know what I can do to fix this problem. I've searched forums for pre sliced helmets but found nothing. If anyone has an idea to fix this problem or another program I can use that would be a great help.
So meshmixer is sort of a devil-in-disguise as far as 3D model programs go. Can do a lot, but is a little temperamental (in my experience).
3 things to check:
1st. I believe there are different settings that you can alter within the "slice" or "cut" menu. Play with those, because I don't think Meshmixer defaults to filling in sliced files.
2nd. Even with the correct settings, I've found that if the model has too many unusual or extreme surfaces in the area you're trying to cut, it just won't even attempt to fill it. If this is the case, try moving the point where you are cutting the model, and see if the preview shows it being filled in.
3rd. Go for broke, make the model solid, and then cut.

Send pictures if you're still having issues!
If all you're doing is plane cutting, try windows 3d builder! It's a little more intuitive in my experience. I've had the exact same issues you're experiencing when I used meshmixer. While they can be solved, it does make doing a simple plane cut quite complicated. 3D builder is surprisingly pleasant to use!
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