halo armor how to make helmet

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Like I said in reply to your other post.. (I'll repeat it here because your other post is kinda off-topic, and might get deleted since you started a new thread for it).

Shape one out of clay and then essentially melt plastic over it.. cut it out, and put it all together. It would take an entire website to describe the specifics of the process.

Here's a great site for instructions on how to build a stormtrooper. You can do Halo armour, or ANY hard plastic armor the same way.

do you have any tips about how to make a helljumper helmet????, i will soon post pics of my battle rifle (made of wood)

no, not yet, but we can work on it together. I should finish receiving the supplies I ordered for my helljumper costume today.
im thinking that the hardest things will be the helmet and the legs, i dont even have an idea of how im gona make the legs, i need to know the materials needed for the vaccumforming plastic,

thanks and greetings from mexico amigos!!!
you don't want playdoh that dries and cracks when you're done. get some oil based clay.

get a foam head from a craft store, and start slapping some clay onto that.
Deadguy - That site is amazong thanks for the link man!! I sunk my entire lunch break into it. It has soo much great info!


this is for adam so what you do is take a foam ball a start adding on clay. but i still dont know how to make all the details on the helmet (the indents ect.) becuse i dont know the design. :?:
Re: helmet

finjolinir said:
this is for adam so what you do is take a foam ball a start adding on clay. but i still dont know how to make all the details on the helmet (the indents ect.) becuse i dont know the design. :?:

Buy a Spartan action figure. The accuracy of certian areas of the armor seems a tad questionable, but it will give you a good 3d starting point.

MC with flood infection form

Foam Head That site gave me the creeps. ugghhh.....
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I'm going to use a dummies head and sculpt around it, so I can get a look at what it would look like on someone's head. Then make different sections, and then vacuumform them.
vaccumforming is probably the hardest way to do a helmet. you would have to do 3 pieces, and it's a paint. you can brush on liquid latex though. might be a good idea.
What about making a fiber glass version of the helmet? Instead of vacuumforming it, other parts of the armor I can vacuumform, but as you said Adam, the helmet would be the hardest to vacuumform. Or what other alternatives would any one prefer?
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