Well, that was fun!
So, first off, well done everyone! This weekend was an absolute blast, and I had an amazing time hanging out with everyone, meeting new people, seeing old friends, and just soaking in all the Halo nerdom juices. The event was an overwhelming success, and our friends at 343 Industries (now Halo Studios) had nothing but positive things to say.
Second! A massive congratulations to the Cosplay Contest winners!
Kahn 319 with his rendition of Carter,
Skaboodlydoodle with his Haunted Pilot Mk V(b), and finally,
RadMax117 with his
amazing Pvt. Jenkins Flood Form. I also congratulate everyone who participated in the cosplay contest, you all did absolutely amazing.
Third! This year we were able to have a booth at HCS, and we shared it with some AWESOME people. First off is the ever renowned
Halo Collector who has worked tirelessly over the years to build and share the largest collection of Halo Memorabilia anywhere. We also got to spend a lot of quality time with the
Women Of Halo who is working hard to make competitive gaming a safe and welcoming space for female and non binary gamers around the world. I strongly recommend that you follow the links and offer your support to both, because the best thing about our community is how much we all support each other.
Finally, congratulations to Spacestation Gaming for becoming the newest HCS Champion! That last match really wasn't good for my blood pressure, but man was it exciting!
Now, for some house keeping. A few items were left behind, but have been collected and are with various staff members. If you are missing anything, send me a direct message here on the forums telling me what's missing and we'll see what needs to be done to get your stuff back to you. Also, I would absolutely love it if everyone who participated this weekend sent me a message, either here or on the discord, detailing ANY issues you had over the weekend. I want to know everything! We will be putting together an after action report, and I want to know what needs to be fixed before next year.
NobleofDeath16 needs everyone to go to the attendance sheet
here and add your Xbox gamertag to the Social Media Tag column. Double check and make sure that you have the exact format correct! That means Capital letters and punctuation! And while we're on the topic of adding stuff, don't forget to go
here and add all of your photos from the weekend!
So to recap! You're all awesome, add your gamertags to the list, share your photos, let me know if you had
any issues over the weekend, and I can't wait to suit up with everyone again!