Halo-Like Story

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New Member
Just a little story I'm writing and I'd like to share with you great people! :)

Chapter 1

. . . “Journal entry seventeen, date March 15, 2059. I’ve been walking for nineteen days in the harshest conditions imaginable. The wind is forty-two kilometers per hour, and the temperature is negative thirty-three degrees Celsius. I am just hoping I’ll make it to the stop soon. Reaching this stop is critical, because it’s the last shuttle on the planet. I’m sure that this one is one of the Venture Star class ships. Alecsaunder out.”

This is Earth, tormented by the last war on the planet. We all thought that we could live in peace, but we were wrong. Seventeen years ago this war started and ended. It all started April 22, 2042, when Russia was finishing a prototype self-sustaining energy source, basically using a miniature star to power the country. As America was in an energy crisis, they asked for the device. Russia declined and said that it was Russian tech and didn’t want America to even think about touching it. America didn’t like that, not one bit. So they hit ‘em, and hit ‘em big. Four Hydrogen-helium bombs, in other words four twenty-megaton bombs. Those bombs hit Moscow and made a crater as wide as Egypt. The explosions were seen from The Argos, a space telescope like the Hubble (but that thing is old school), it looked like . . . well, it’s hard to describe, but it was big and could be heard all over the world. Anyway, a bunch of people including myself went under the English Channel, in the old underwater tunnel, to hide, incase war broke out which of course did. Russia decided to sacrifice the power source so that no one could fight over it . . . Unexpectedly; they dropped it on Philadelphia, and wiped out the entire eastern side of the States, ranging from Quebec City, Quebec to Miami, Florida. Man-made Dyson Rings were built and launched into space with the last of humanity on board. War was held until November 18, 2042. The population on Earth went from nine-billion to one-hundred-fourteen, not million, not even thousand, just one-hundred-fourteen people alive, and I’m one of them. We’ve been waiting so that the radiation would lower and/or not be in our area. We originally thought that twenty years of waiting should be good enough; I just decided to leave early, leaving at seventeen years. I was eight when the war started, I am now twenty-six, and I’m headed for the last shuttle on Earth.

“Dang, I hate it out here. Crap, it’s cold. Let’s see how far I am from the shuttle.” beep “Dang, fifty-four k’s left. I have two days until I run out of power. Hey, at least there still is a shuttle left. That gives me some motivation. Imagine if there wasn’t any left. Then I’d be stuck on this rock forever.”

I’ve trudged through this snow, ash stuff, whatever it is, for nineteen days. I’ve been living off of cheap, bland, vitamin powder and roughly three pounds of beef jerky. Yeah, that’s all. I don’t get that each day, that’s all I get for the full trip. And just to top it off when I want a drink and find a spring of some sort I have to put it in a special military container that gets rid of radiation and bacteria/viruses. That usually takes about an hour. If there is no spring I have to put the snow/ash stuff into a different container that takes the water out of the stuff then I have to pour that water into the first container to sanitize it. That takes about three hours. I hate wasting time because I have very limited time. The outside radiation doesn’t affect me because I have a “fancy” H.E.B.S. Hazardous Environmental BioSuit. There are pros and cons to the suit. Some pros are the fact that I don’t become sort of weird mutated . . . thing, and another good thing is that I can sleep standing up. The cons are the fact that I can only walk, not run just walk. In other words I can’t go faster than four k’s an hour.

“It’s almost twelve.”, and I’m not in the greatest shape. “Hmmm, there’s supposed to be a warehouse around here somewhere unless my radar’s dead. Hmmmm…” blip “Wait a second.” blip “Okay, good. It should be a little to my left.” I haven’t seen a warehouse in a while. If you’re thinking that a warehouse is some dumpy old building for stock and inventory, you’re wrong. Modern warehouses are fairly fancy. White walls on the inside with bluish fluorescent lights. There’s always recharging stations inside and sometimes, if you’re lucky, you can find new or prototype tech. Ha, wouldn’t that be great if I found some new tech in there. But there’s probably just enough power in there for a full charge. “Alrighty, let’s get this door open. Rrrrrrugh! There, let’s turn on some lights.” click “Woah, hahaha, this is sick!” If you don’t know what I just found, I found myself a P56 HEBSA. Hazardous Environmental BioSuit Attachment. It’s like a wearable motorbike. With a top speed of one-hundred-twenty-five k’s an hour.

This is just what I have so far. :)
i like it. the theme takes the normal post apoc type and gives it a nice twist. it reads well and gives a good deal of whats gonig on .
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