Halo:Reach accessories (Current Objective: Survive)


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Hey 405thers! Long time no post, but I've recently been gearing up to either update Noble 6 or work on some new Halo stuff. I was going through my build notebooks a couple weeks ago and came across something I must've jotted down over 2 or 3 years ago. An idea for a photoshoot that I'm now calling Current Objective: Survive.
I want to explore what it would look like for Noble 6 to survive after the ending of Reach, at least for a couple weeks. Basically: war-torn, using whatever is at their disposal, trying to take out as many covies as they can before their time is up.

This thread is where I will post my progress on these new accessories for the project! When I make any base modifications to Noble 6 I'll post that in my original build thread.

Current ideas and plans
-Wall Health Kit unit filled with "First Aid" items
-Needle Rifle
-Cracked visor

I've already started on the Health kit so I'll be able to update that with some wip photos soon. Feel free to make suggestions on what should be inside it, I'm already thinking Biofoam but I'll need to figure out a small version of the design. Some first aid stuff. Would a flare or smoke signal make sense? Gimme suggestions!

The Needle Rifle is a tough one, I don't have any 3d printing experience so I'm gonna attempt to make it with foam. I'm patiently hoping that ODCA will make a foam unfold on his unfolds thread because I have no idea where to start with that shape otherwise :lol: But I prefer going with a covenant weapon that 6 would've picked up off a dead covie, and the Needle Rifle is my favorite option from Reach.

I already bought a canteen that I'll weather to be grimier. Idk how lore accurate a canteen is for a stranded spartan but I think it'll look cool :lol:

I vividly remember watching E3 in 2013 and being so hyped to see that it was Chief under that Cloak in the Halo 5 trailer, it's one of my favorite game trailers to this day. I've always wanted to do something like that and it feels like it would fit this whole look. I'm still not sure what color to go with or how much coverage I want, I would love some opinions!

The cracked visor at the end of Reach is another thing I have wanted to do for so so long and this is the perfect time for it. I'll probably use my current visor for this and hoooopefully upgrade to a Branfuhr Studios visor for my uncracked one if I can afford it and make it fit into my helmet.

I would love to hear if you guys have any more suggestions on what to include in this project or any thoughts on what I already have planned! This is one of many projects I've had on my mind lately, and while I tend to jump from thing to thing depending on what I feel creatively into at the moment, this project is a good option to get some more use out of an already mostly finished costume (though I do have plans for her to be updated), to make a few more props and pieces from my favorite game, and to get a photoshoot in that I think would be epic.

My Noble 6 in her current state, for reference. Dmr by mwmanus, photos by lunaractual, everything else by me


Love the idea of that, what about adding a odst rucksack to it under the cloak? With the branfurh visor it'll fit the iconprops casted helmet because I just ordered one myself.
Love the idea of that, what about adding a odst rucksack to it under the cloak? With the branfurh visor it'll fit the iconprops casted helmet because I just ordered one myself.
Such a good idea, I'll have to see if that or some other bag type of thing will be possible! My helmet is foam, I think the visor may be a tiny bit too big but I kinda wanna order it anyway and just make it work. I feel like I can make it work to a degree that would still be worth it to have his beautiful work and the visibility he gets in his visors would be so nice to have
Hey 405thers! Long time no post, but I've recently been gearing up to either update Noble 6 or work on some new Halo stuff. I was going through my build notebooks a couple weeks ago and came across something I must've jotted down over 2 or 3 years ago. An idea for a photoshoot that I'm now calling Current Objective: Survive.
I want to explore what it would look like for Noble 6 to survive after the ending of Reach, at least for a couple weeks. Basically: war-torn, using whatever is at their disposal, trying to take out as many covies as they can before their time is up.

This thread is where I will post my progress on these new accessories for the project! When I make any base modifications to Noble 6 I'll post that in my original build thread.

Current ideas and plans
-Wall Health Kit unit filled with "First Aid" items
-Needle Rifle
-Cracked visor

I've already started on the Health kit so I'll be able to update that with some wip photos soon. Feel free to make suggestions on what should be inside it, I'm already thinking Biofoam but I'll need to figure out a small version of the design. Some first aid stuff. Would a flare or smoke signal make sense? Gimme suggestions!

The Needle Rifle is a tough one, I don't have any 3d printing experience so I'm gonna attempt to make it with foam. I'm patiently hoping that ODCA will make a foam unfold on his unfolds thread because I have no idea where to start with that shape otherwise :lol: But I prefer going with a covenant weapon that 6 would've picked up off a dead covie, and the Needle Rifle is my favorite option from Reach.

I already bought a canteen that I'll weather to be grimier. Idk how lore accurate a canteen is for a stranded spartan but I think it'll look cool :lol:

I vividly remember watching E3 in 2013 and being so hyped to see that it was Chief under that Cloak in the Halo 5 trailer, it's one of my favorite game trailers to this day. I've always wanted to do something like that and it feels like it would fit this whole look. I'm still not sure what color to go with or how much coverage I want, I would love some opinions!

The cracked visor at the end of Reach is another thing I have wanted to do for so so long and this is the perfect time for it. I'll probably use my current visor for this and hoooopefully upgrade to a Branfuhr Studios visor for my uncracked one if I can afford it and make it fit into my helmet.

I would love to hear if you guys have any more suggestions on what to include in this project or any thoughts on what I already have planned! This is one of many projects I've had on my mind lately, and while I tend to jump from thing to thing depending on what I feel creatively into at the moment, this project is a good option to get some more use out of an already mostly finished costume (though I do have plans for her to be updated), to make a few more props and pieces from my favorite game, and to get a photoshoot in that I think would be epic.

My Noble 6 in her current state, for reference. Dmr by mwmanus, photos by lunaractual, everything else by me

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The Armor looks awesome just well done Congrats
Such a good idea, I'll have to see if that or some other bag type of thing will be possible! My helmet is foam, I think the visor may be a tiny bit too big but I kinda wanna order it anyway and just make it work. I feel like I can make it work to a degree that would still be worth it to have his beautiful work and the visibility he gets in his visors would be so nice to have
I can give you a rough measurement on my visor area if you'd like, haven't gotten the actual visor yet.
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oh yeah! lots of found bandoliers, rucksacks, and antennas. If you're flying solo for a while you need lots of supplies and equipment usually split out over the squad. Cool stuff for sure!
The Armor looks awesome just well done Congrats
Thank you so much!!

I can give you a rough measurement on my visor area if you'd like, haven't gotten the actual visor yet.
Yes that would actually be super helpful, thank you!

oh yeah! lots of found bandoliers, rucksacks, and antennas. If you're flying solo for a while you need lots of supplies and equipment usually split out over the squad. Cool stuff for sure!
Heck yes, all good suggestions!!

You are the best, thank you so much!! Literally anything to help me get a base shape going will be so incredibly helpful to have :lol:
First Update!

I bought some cloak/poncho fabric today from Joann Fabrics, it's a rayon linen blend. I didn't really know what color I was gonna go for or what kind of fabric would be best, but I knew once I saw this that I loved the color, it's a bit darker and more muted in person, and it's a very soft, textured, thick fabric that I think will drape nicely. I got 3 yards. I've never made a cloak before, I don't know yet if I'll use any patterns or just drape it on a mannequin and go to town lol.


For anyone who may want the exact fabric and for reference for myself

Here is the canteen I bought, the fabric parts are a bit more green in person, and it still needs weathered.



And here's some progress pics and explanation on what I've got for the Health Kit so far!

I used the foam Health Kit file available on the forums and added some more detail as I went, as well as reworking how a few pieces joined together. It was such a huge help having the file, I used to freehand all my building but to be able to work off of a shape that I don't fully have to hand draft has been an amazing resource I've finally gotten in on the last couple years and saves me so much time. Thank you to everyone on here who takes the time to make and share files with everyone!

Back of Health Kit reference photo


Where I started. I'll be adding the 4 circle details in those corners, likely in the form of magnets to keep this thing mounted on it's future wall base.



The side handle areas have a texture to them, so I used some kwik seal, lightly painted a layer on, then used a rough brush to sort of stipple texture into it. And I used a little metal tool to get any gunk out from between the detail lines. If the kwik seal gets too dry while you're working with it, you can get your brush just barely wet to give you a little more working time. It's not a hard technique, but I could see it being more finicky over a larger area due to drying.





The corner pieces that have a little light window were a little annoying because cutting that little rounded window out of thicker material didn't get very clean results. So I cut a top detailed layer out of 2mm foam, then took some 4mm foam and cut out a larger square light window, contact cemented the 2mm onto the 4mm, and finished cutting it out as if it were one piece. It's hard to explain but hopefully pictures will help lol.








This whole build was kind of annoying to get good cuts with because its such a symmetrical prop. Most pieces took 2 or 3 tries to get a good result. For this center hollow square I superglued some thin stiff cardboard stuff to the back of the foam before I cut it out to give it a little rigidity on its own since its such an integral part to things keeping their shape around it.


Again, getting these pieces to fit together with LED foam filling in the gaps (not yet shown here) was so annoying, most cuts by hand aren't perfectly even and vertical so getting such small pieces to fit together like a puzzle while also making sure not to get any pen marks on the LED foam was the worst lol.



Looks like I need to split this into two posts for add more pics. If anyone can tell me how to make these pictures not so gigantic that would be cool :lol:
An example of something I had to do multiple times, the left one has the detail piece just tucked into it but I wasn't happy with the details shape.


One of the main ways I pattern, get some tracing paper mounted where you want with pins, tape, or held by hand, then use a fine tip sharpie to gently sketch the edges you need, now you've got yourself a perfect little shape to fill the gap. It's hard to tell but this piece is not on an even plane (plain?), so there's an incline that this detail needs to account for, even if its a very small bit. Hence why I can't just sketch a 2d gap filler detail piece and stick it in there. Hopefully that makes any sense written out, it doesn't seem like it does :lol:


And here is where we are now! I need to pop out the LED foam and airbrush it red, decide if and how I'm going to better stabilize the shape, add hinges and a closure, seal and paint it, make its wall mount, and figure out the lighting and other things going on inside it. But it's been a somewhat quick, half fun, half frustrating project lol! It always blows my mind that we can make something from a game into a real life object. We have a crazy hobby, guys. So happy to have most of the base of this done! I printed the pattern at 11.25 inches tall btw, and it feels pretty perfect compared to my size, it's bulky but it's not ginormous. The in game version is huge but that just felt like (announcer voice) overkill for real life



Thanks for reading! Have a great weekend!
An example of something I had to do multiple times, the left one has the detail piece just tucked into it but I wasn't happy with the details shape.

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One of the main ways I pattern, get some tracing paper mounted where you want with pins, tape, or held by hand, then use a fine tip sharpie to gently sketch the edges you need, now you've got yourself a perfect little shape to fill the gap. It's hard to tell but this piece is not on an even plane (plain?), so there's an incline that this detail needs to account for, even if its a very small bit. Hence why I can't just sketch a 2d gap filler detail piece and stick it in there. Hopefully that makes any sense written out, it doesn't seem like it does :lol:

View attachment 343189

And here is where we are now! I need to pop out the LED foam and airbrush it red, decide if and how I'm going to better stabilize the shape, add hinges and a closure, seal and paint it, make its wall mount, and figure out the lighting and other things going on inside it. But it's been a somewhat quick, half fun, half frustrating project lol! It always blows my mind that we can make something from a game into a real life object. We have a crazy hobby, guys. So happy to have most of the base of this done! I printed the pattern at 11.25 inches tall btw, and it feels pretty perfect compared to my size, it's bulky but it's not ginormous. The in game version is huge but that just felt like (announcer voice) overkill for real life

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Thanks for reading! Have a great weekend!
WOW! :love:
Always a treat to see your foamwork, KitKat.
Holy, that armor is crazy
Sorry, I always geek out when I see MK V, especially that prosthetic arm! Very awesome
The needle rifle would be very cool to see
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