Halo Reach Sculpt..

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Thanks for the comments guys! I finally got everything symmetrical so that you it will work on either boot, keeping the final cost and time to a minimum. I'll get it molded up this weekend and get some cast to show off soon. The next thing to come will be the under armor, fully sculpted, molded, and also cast in flex foam. Only problem is, it may have to wait until after the wedding. Its draining my funds and time.
okay, so a little bump and update. So as some of you know, I don't like to start anything, especially armor, without at least seeing a live version of it, for instance the ODST. And as for Reach, well, it seems as though the studio who made the armor actually stuck to the ingame models of everything, so we're set as for references. Just started carving out a styrofoam wig head that i coated up layers of insulation foam and expanding foam, to get my base for all of these sculpts. It will be pretty loosely sculpted since i plan on using it for the remaining noble team helmets, that my good friend Ben Streeper hasn't already started, and my custom Spartan II helmet I created. I'll post pics as soon as i can get a rough carving.
thanks guys! The clay i used is Van Iken, you can get it at any craft store or Walmart i think. And as for affording it, just let me know what you want it cast in and i'll try to make it as affordable as possible. As I said, i can do the cheapest (smoothcast), or the most expensive (vitaflex and flexfoam). I will tell you, these undersuit pieces will be the most accurate you will ever find, I take my time and get as many reference angles as possible, so there is no need to worry about accuracy.
I'm using 3mm foam sewn onto my thermal undersuit.
As for the toe piece, probably something that could bend, still searching.
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