halo wars Sgt. Forge

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saint ignatious

New Member
been playing the game. been loving it. not the point. does anyone know where to go to pep a Sgt. Forge set of armor? its different then marine armor and i really find it interesting. if you know where to find it throw me a link, but i kinda doubt its out there
I too doubt the fact that there are his files anywhere D:!!! I too love his armor :D!!! You best bet would be to scratchbuild it, you can have it you your satisfaction and size(Well you can rescale pep but you'll need a $38 password to save).
Well your best bet is to try the search bar but I've never seen any files for his armor. Which is weird since how different it is.
The only armor to be modelled from Halo Wars was the Mark IV armor. I know that at least one person started Forge's chest plate, but it never went beyond that. I can't remember exactly who is was. In my opinion, your best bet would be to gather as much reference as possible, maybe a McFarlane figure, and try to have a go at a scratch build.

Way back when i was working on some of them, i got a his shoulders done but deleted them after too many inconsistency's too the game model. That was befor i had reference.

anyways, i'll post all the reference i have if you need it.



the marines in halo wars had different armor because it was set 20 years in the past... or not as far in the future... its set in the year 2531, 20 years before the events of Halo:CE. so i assume its a prototype armor of some kind. i want to build it but without a pep file my scraatch build will be 0nly ok
did ya know he is in halo reach as an easter egg hes on winter concegency right at the end

I hope that's not some dumb rumor, because that sounds fun to find. Or it could be fake, like some noobs think the armour gives you dumb abilities, like having ODST helmet on lets you survive 1 foot greater falls, but that sounds fake, because it probly is.
I hope that's not some dumb rumor, because that sounds fun to find. Or it could be fake, like some noobs think the armour gives you dumb abilities, like having ODST helmet on lets you survive 1 foot greater falls, but that sounds fake, because it probly is.

i would think the high impact boots would let you survive the falls, but i dont think there is a fall that is 1 foot between life and death
I don't think the engine runs off distance so much as velocity of impact to a hard surface. I would think that having lighter armor would be more effective in this theory but its just a rumor until proven. But we know that Bungie would have no reason to put calculations of weight for every armor add-on into the game as it would serve no other purpose but that and in itself has no sensible purpose, thus its a false rumor.
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