Helljumpers (First ODST Build)

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New Member
Hello everyone, name is Katie and I'm currently finishing up my Helmet for a standard ODST build. This is my first full armor set I am making, and I hope it will turn out pretty good. I'm using Hugh's ODST build, and I highly recommend it myself.

On and off I've worked on this just because of work and school, but with Christmas break I actually have time to finish this up.

I'd love some input and tips as I continue to post, constructive criticism is always welcome as well. :)

I don't have much to post for now, except one of my process pics for the helmet so far. I'm crossing my fingers I didn't end up screwing up the size because that would be my luck.


Anyway, I'll finish the helmet within this week and I'll upload it all when it's assembled. By the way, there are no "maps" as per say on how to assemble the armor pieces right? it's just basically stare down one of the in game pictures? Thanks again everyone. :)
Looks like your building it right so far, keep it going Hughs file looks really great once its all together, I just finished a Hughs helmet check out the link in my sig if you want to see it completed, good luck on your build keep us posted
Looks good so far! Seems like you got some nice clean folds there! I hope that the tape you got there isn't being used to put it all together ;)

Now for those "maps" I guess you mean reference pictures? Because you can use both ingame pictures for that or you could take a look at some other peoples ODSTs and get inspiration from that!

Keep working this good and you'll have a really nice set of armor in no time!
What you got so far is looking really great. Your pepping is nice and clean and looks consistant.
My brother is working on the same exact build right now but he already got a little bit of a set back as every thing he made (helmet, chest, and center equipment) was scaled to large. He got started again with the Hugh chest core to try for a good place to reference the rest of his armor. Once again your work looks great and good luck with further progress...
Thanks for the encouragement so far guys! I'll look into some references for the pieces, I'm pretty excited to get this finally on its way.

Looks good so far! Seems like you got some nice clean folds there! I hope that the tape you got there isn't being used to put it all together ;)

Weeeell, I'm just using that to hold the pieces together so far as well as some butterfly clips. But I will be gluing it all together. Maybe rubber cement? Eh, I'm sure I'll find something.

Thanks again guys :)
Good to see another ODST!

I recommend hot glue. You may burn your finger tips, but it is really great, because if a seam doesn't line up how you want it to, then you can re-melt the glue and change it.

Most of my build uses Hugh's files, with a little of Kirrou's mixed in. If you want to see how his armor looks near complete, you can check my build. My helm isn't Hugh's so don't look at that!

If you have any ODST related questions, feel free to ask, good luck!
if you need any help hit me up or check out my ODST in my Sig. below. and welcome to the ODST family cant wait to see more.
Pep works nice and clean. ODSTs are one of my favorites. I can't wait to see how this turns out. Keep your head up and good luck.
Hey guys, sorry for dropping out for a bit, I got caught up having to make four costumes in three weeks for Wondercon. X____X

That's all finished though (Thank goodness) So I'm getting back into working on my armor. I'd like to have it wearable for Anime Expo, but I don't want to set myself up with unrealistic standards. I'll have pictures for you guys soon. Thanks for sticking with me! :D
Hey everyone, thanks for still sticking around and offering to help me this project.

I do have some photos of progress, though it isn't much.
Two jobs and summer statistics class can sure kick your ass lol


I do with there was a better way of knowing where each piece goes rather then just looking at different reference pictures. It can be a bit of a pain haha.

Also: I have a few strips of paper that I have NO IDEA where they go. Like I assume they would be edges to the larger pieces...

When I pep, I always keep my computer handy with the file I'm pepping open, so I can refer to the part locations when I need to. Also, when working on a part with a lot of pieces, I only ever cut one or two parts out at a time as I go.

Your pep work looks pretty good. I'm sure you'll figure out where all the parts go. You have the edge numbers on, so you'll be fine.
Well honestly I'm pretty pissed at myself right now.

I made the helmet the wrong size, of all things.
I think it's too big, which is such a stupid novice mistake. It looks too long, like from the back to the visor. FML

But for my colors, I am going to go with a yellow, and as for visor I was going to vacuum form one for myself. I've been looking into making your own machines for it, I just have to figure out how to make it on the visor without the suction completely crushing the thing.
Before scrapping it, give us a picture, at least! This may sound obvious if you've been reading the stickies a bit, but you have to account for padding when making the helmet, so don't throw it down the stairs just yet. Show us your work, even if you think it is not adequate ;-)
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