Help chest print MasterChief


New Member
Hello everyone,

I use to make some Cosplay, (Batman, Thor, Michael Myers) And one day I dreamt to build my own Master Chief from Halo infinite.

Then I bought a brand new Bambu Lab P1P, I already had Armorsmith and the precise Avatar on it. I use Orca Slicer, Meshmixer and if needed Blender (pretty noob on it)
I Bought the Master Chief's model from Galactic Armory for 60$ and started to fit my avatar with the model. Then I started to notice the model as separated shell what is great because I can print them separatly and optimize the build plate and the slice. But when I import the different part, I see all are not on the same scale and I have to scale them manualy and try to fit them (really really hard to do :( )
But I manage to do that and the model looks good enought, But when I started to print the chest I noticed the hole for the arms is waaayyyy to small and I can barrely move it without hurting me.
Torso Exploded.jpg


I was desperate and I found that MoeSizzlac made a great model for free, I download it but it's One Full shell and I wanted to know if you have any advice for me to scale it properly and not waste any filament :(

I know some of you will tell me I should not print this as my first print, but I don't want to do the ODST, I'm ready to fail and try again.

I'm sorry if I made mistakes in this thread, I'm french and doing my best to write in english.
I believe in armorsmith it is possible to 'group' files together so that they will all scale at the same time. If you can't get that to work, you could also assemble the files in a separate program like meshmixer and import them as one big file to armoursmith to scale them.
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