Help making my first suit


New Member
Decided I want to make my first Spartan suit (not sure which version yet) and I was wondering how I would go about doing so
My main worries are finding the files for foam versions as I don't have a 3d printer.
Any help would be appreciated
All of our foam templates can be found right here on the Forums in The Armory:

Files are organized by Game and then armor set or permutation. All files associated with a particular set will be included in one. ZIP file.
When opening files in Pepakura, some items are not on the paper. Is this meant to happen?
When opening files in Pepakura, some items are not on the paper. Is this meant to happen?View attachment 338253
Yep! These pieces are usually small details and/or parts that can be made up for due to the thickness of foam. With a 3D model, you don't need all the side faces of some parts because the thickness of the foam acts as these faces.
As Cadet linked above, there's lots of great info that can be found in the tutorials section of the forums. That second link, the "Foam Guide" is a really great resources for getting to know the different options you have when it comes to buying foam. The third link is much more thorough as it goes through pretty much every aspect of foam armour. It's definitely worth looking through, but definitely not necessary to read the whole thing in it's entirety.

I'm looking forward to seeing what you create! Great questions so far! Keep em coming. We're always happy to answer :)
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