1st Build Making my first 3D printed Halo armor :D


New Member
Hello, Laura here! :D

I‘m working on my first 3D printed armor set atm. I‘ve made armor before but I’ve only used EVA foam so far, so working with 3D printed files is new to me.

I have printed all the parts for the mark v (b) armor and the cavallino helmet with the cat ear attachment. :D

I‘ve played Halo before a long time ago but recently I played the whole master chief collection and now I’m hooked! :D

Hopefully I get to finish this project for a a cosplay convention in Munich this April!

For the color scheme I chose the main colors of my comic: purple and gold.
I‘m currently working on a webcomic about my four cats! They go on adventures in exciting pocket dimensions to fight anomalies. :D

I really liked the idea of combining my love for Halo with my passion project. So the cat ears seemed fitting <3

I’ve already made a few mistakes, e.g. the layer lines are still quite visible and the spray paint got under the masking tape on some parts. I hope with the weathering it won’t be as noticeable as before. But all in all I‘m very happy with how it looks so far! :)


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Hello, Laura here! :D

I‘m working on my first 3D printed armor set atm. I‘ve made armor before but I’ve only used EVA foam so far, so working with 3D printed files is new to me.

I have printed all the parts for the mark v (b) armor and the cavallino helmet with the cat ear attachment. :D

I‘ve played Halo before a long time ago but recently I played the whole master chief collection and now I’m hooked! :D

Hopefully I get to finish this project for a a cosplay convention in Munich this April!

For the color scheme I chose the main colors of my comic: purple and gold.
I‘m currently working on a webcomic about my four cats! They go on adventures in exciting pocket dimensions to fight anomalies. :D

I really liked the idea of combining my love for Halo with my passion project. So the cat ears seemed fitting <3

I’ve already made a few mistakes, e.g. the layer lines are still quite visible and the spray paint got under the masking tape on some parts. I hope with the weathering it won’t be as noticeable as before. But all in all I‘m very happy with how it looks so far! :)
Can't wait to meet you at upcoming events! :3
Hello, Laura here! :D

I‘m working on my first 3D printed armor set atm. I‘ve made armor before but I’ve only used EVA foam so far, so working with 3D printed files is new to me.

I have printed all the parts for the mark v (b) armor and the cavallino helmet with the cat ear attachment. :D

I‘ve played Halo before a long time ago but recently I played the whole master chief collection and now I’m hooked! :D

Hopefully I get to finish this project for a a cosplay convention in Munich this April!

For the color scheme I chose the main colors of my comic: purple and gold.
I‘m currently working on a webcomic about my four cats! They go on adventures in exciting pocket dimensions to fight anomalies. :D

I really liked the idea of combining my love for Halo with my passion project. So the cat ears seemed fitting <3

I’ve already made a few mistakes, e.g. the layer lines are still quite visible and the spray paint got under the masking tape on some parts. I hope with the weathering it won’t be as noticeable as before. But all in all I‘m very happy with how it looks so far! :)
Can't wait to see the finished project!

I've just started my first 3D print build as well with everyone's favourite insurgents nightmare Emile!


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Brand new member as of today here after meeting with the 405th this weekend at Gaming Expo. I have access to a 3D printer and am beginning the long rabbit hole journey of learning all this. Where did you primarily go for your 3D print files? I want to do a custom set like in the many halo multiplayer menus and don’t know where to start.
Brand new member as of today here after meeting with the 405th this weekend at Gaming Expo. I have access to a 3D printer and am beginning the long rabbit hole journey of learning all this. Where did you primarily go for your 3D print files? I want to do a custom set like in the many halo multiplayer menus and don’t know where to start.
I got my emile files from Galatic Armoury and the full suit from thingiverse!
I finished my armor just in time for a cosplay convention here in Munich last weekend!
I’m very happy with the result! Had some attachment issues but we worked it out! Absolutely loved wearing it and having my cats as decals on my armor made me so happy haha
I plan on wearing it at Gamescom this year, until then I have time to make a few adjustments and think of a new weapon! :D


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I finished my armor just in time for a cosplay convention here in Munich last weekend!
I’m very happy with the result! Had some attachment issues but we worked it out! Absolutely loved wearing it and having my cats as decals on my armor made me so happy haha
I plan on wearing it at Gamescom this year, until then I have time to make a few adjustments and think of a new weapon! :D
WOW that is phenomenal. Amazing job! The undersuit is really cool too.
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