Hey, anyone need a photographer?

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405th Regiment Officer
Member DIN
Hey guys! So some recent news from me. Here in the coming week, I'm finally coming back in full swing for cosplay! However, I'm not the only one in my family returning to their hobby!

My wife is a photographer, and recently she is devoting more time to it!

she is trying to build her portfolio right now, which means instead of charging an arm and a leg for a shoot, she is offering to do photo shoots for free. She accepts tips for her work, which go very appreciated.

while she is already very talented, she is doing this to build not only her skills, but her experience!

She has done many shoots for people in our area, but I figured I would extend her work out to you guys, because I know that photography can get really expensive for professional shoots, and you guys have some great work to be showcased! Just a friendly offer to those interested, we live in the southern California area, however, we are able to drive a bit depending on the shoot. Message me if your interested, Keep up the great builds guys, can't wait to see what you create next!!
Come on up to Ogden, Utah. We'll get a pizza, add some finishing touches to my reach suit and take deployment photos. Then flashmob somewhere halo style! She can photograph the whole dang thing!
xXDashIVXx Ooof I think that's just a little outside our range lol
You rookie. It's GOLF score! Come on....


This route to paiganboi also takes you down I-80 through Utah. Just saying. About 30-45 minutes north from SLC.....

Dude, pipninja you should totally go on a cross- country tour! You'd get LOADS of photographs that way!
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