Uh, guys, hate to burst your bubble, but the towel trick can burn your house down. Not to mention it doesn't always work. So think about it.
your 50,000+ dollar house? or waiting a few weeks to get to get it fixed for free?
Very true. If your going to do this, take some cinderblocks outside and put the whole towel/360 conglomeration and put it inside a bowl of bricks so that if does catch fire then you wont suffer as much damage as could have happened. I know a guy whos gargae burnt down because he forgot to put his Lithium Polymer battery in a coffee can to charge. Ended up shorting out after he left his house and the garage was toasted.
ya i never had a free xbox from microsoft. bought the first one on ebay.....it broke paied 150. got the new one a year later lighting hits my house fries everything and two weeks ago the box was out of warrenty....sent in for 100 they lost it......waited 45 days got my box back.................the power pack was fried also.....sent in 50.....two weeks later im back on xbox live. so ya i hate microsoft customer service.