Im OFFICALY scared of National Geographic Channel..

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Okay so I tuned into NGC and it was showing something with a Partical accelerator thingy and showed this whole thing that started forming and all this other scary crap..Now I fear for my life because upon looking on Wikipedia the "test" they did on there is going to be conducted when they finish the build in 2011 or something...Im really scared now..
thisismadness2 said:
i dont get it....but im scared for you

Oh thanks. :mad:

The reason im scared is: They ARE CREATING THE PLACE WHERE THE WHOLE THING HAPPENED. And what happened was a friggin black hole was opened up and bam. Everything is gone.

Thats what im scared of. Because it IS a possibility.
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i had nightmares about like world disasters like comets and black holes and S*** but ive sorta overgrown it now, if it happens it happens, or as that famous saying goes "**** happens" lol.
Dont ever worry of black holes, scientist will never make one that works like the real deal, and if they do, they'll screw themselves over, because the power just to form one, takes the power used by an entire city, the last time this type of tes was done, the cities homes were powered off for a few hours during the night, thats how much electricity it uses to make a blackhole that lasted for less than 1 second.

So dont worry.
CrAzY CH13F said:
i had nightmares about like world disasters like comets and black holes and S*** but ive sorta overgrown it now, if it happens it happens, or as that famous saying goes "**** happens" lol.

Yeah I know if it happens it happens but still its scary...Well, I'd rather go to heaven and say I was killed by a Stagelet(or wtfever the thing was called) rather than I was hit by a bus going 20 mph because I wasn't paying attention.
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Creating a good stable Vortex or a black hole is impossible. The reason for the TeV is to look for the parts that make gravity happen (graviton). These part are exist in theory, there are also looking for the Higgs part.

It is maybe possible theoretical to create a tiny little backhole. This hole is really small (think 10000000/of a cm) and can only exist for a split second and then it vaporise. You are getting all hyped up about nothing. Where nothing near creating a stable black hole, or creating any hole for that matter.

The best result that we could get form the TeV is atomic fusion.

You don't get all hyped up about something because its possible in theory.... ZOMG a Einstein-Rosen bridge!!!We can get almost to other planets!!ZOMG Atomic fusion, no more power problems!!!

Come back in a decades or 7, then we can talk about being scared
Some say black holes send you to nowhere and kill you instantly, what if they just e=never end, keep going and going and spinning.....ya you'd be screwed just from the suction being so powerful, you'd be dead going into the hole....
well by 2011 you don't know what kinda CRAZY power sources could be made, but still the future is full of scary stuff. eg halo and the covenant, i would so enrole in the army if that happened though, i would be an ODST lol =]
Sorry for most of you who think im a little 10 year old who's afraid of something..

Its not my fault im 16 and have acute anxiety of end of teh world stuff.

AoBfrost said:
Some say black holes send you to nowhere and kill you instantly, what if they just e=never end, keep going and going and spinning.....ya you'd be screwed just from the suction being so powerful, you'd be dead going into the hole....
Even if you did survive you'd throw up from the
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I really doubt in 4-5 more years they will have a new power source, I think the current power source is good, but the only thing people are complaining about is the oil part where "omg oil companies spew out polltuion" and 'cars cause global warming" so i think before we have black matter powering the world we'll have cars running off pollution, then when all pollution is gone, we'll need a way to fuel our cars.
I'm a nerd when it come to outer space and the universe. i love to look at the stars at night. it scares the **** out of me knowing the stuff i know (black holes, how the sun can expand and burn us all) i'm with you man
OK that way black holes work as I understand it is there are so many atoms in one tiny place that it gets a really strong gravitational pull. More stuff gets pulled in and compressed into a ridiculously small space, and the hole gets stronger. Eventually they can get strong enough to pull in pretty much anything, including photons (light.) This makes them appear as a black hole in space. So no getting sucked through a vortex forever, and no ending up in another galaxy. That's a wormhole, which doesn't exist.
Unique Name said:
OK that way black holes work as I understand it is there are so many atoms in one tiny place that it gets a really strong gravitational pull. More stuff gets pulled in and compressed into a ridiculously small space, and the hole gets stronger. Eventually they can get strong enough to pull in pretty much anything, including photons (light.) This makes them appear as a black hole in space. So no getting sucked through a vortex forever, and no ending up in another galaxy. That's a wormhole, which doesn't exist.

Correct, you'll just get squished and add to it's mass(well theoretic mass because technically it's a void)

Also don't forget the flesh eating bacteria

or the Avian Influenza (Bird Flu)

and don't forget the stuff you can get while eating like Salmonella, Ecoli or you could die from obesity or Noroviruses

but realistically most people will just die from a form of cancer especially in females, Females will most likely die from a result of cervical or ovarian cancer caused by HPV. HPV is no longer treated or diagnosed anymore because it is so common, about 80% of the sexually active population has HPV. Men are not affected by it but women have a risk of developing cancer.

Scared yet?
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DrkZide said:
Correct, you'll just get squished and add to it's mass(well theoretic mass because technically it's a void)

From Wiki,

A black hole is a region of space in which the gravitational field is so powerful that nothing can escape after having fallen past the event horizon. The name comes from the fact that even electromagnetic radiation (e.g. light) is unable to escape, rendering the interior invisible. However, black holes can be detected if they interact with matter outside the event horizon, for example by drawing in gas from an orbiting star. The gas spirals inward, heating up to very high temperatures and emitting large amounts of radiation in the process.

While the idea of an object with gravity strong enough to prevent light from escaping was proposed in the 18th century, black holes as presently understood are described by Einstein's theory of general relativity, developed in 1916. This theory predicts that when a large enough amount of mass is present within a sufficiently small region of space, all paths through space are warped inwards towards the center of the volume, forcing all matter and radiation to fall inward.

While general relativity describes a black hole as a region of empty space with a pointlike singularity at the center and an event horizon at the outer edge, the description changes when the effects of quantum mechanics are taken into account. Research on this subject indicates that, rather than holding captured matter forever, black holes may slowly leak a form of thermal energy called Hawking radiation. However, the final, correct description of black holes, requiring a theory of quantum gravity, is unknown.

Mass=Gravity. No mass, no gravity. Though the above explains how it might lose mass over large amounts of time. Isn't science fun.

DrkZide said:
HPV is no longer treated or diagnosed anymore because it is so common, about 80% of the sexually active population has HPV. Men are not affected by it but women have a risk of developing cancer.

What? I'll just let this article explain...
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I stand corrected. Damn you Quantum Mechanics :p :lol:

I don't see the stand in your argument? There is a shot to prevent it, and as the article itself states

Simply testing positive for HPV may not mean you will need treatment, at least not immediately. After a positive HPV test, your doctor may suggest close monitoring

It can detect the high-risk HPV types.

So you can test for those who are at high risk and there are tests for it, most doctors won't treat it since it goes away on it's on and especially if you're on an HMO they won't test for it. Genital warts can also be an effect but for MEN there is usually no treatment seeing as most men are just carriers. I just watched an hour long discussion on it on Discovery Health. Although I could be translating wrong...
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There's always some scary thing out there that can kill us, but it gets over hyped because we're mortal, and we fear our mortality. The media does a wonderful job, but most of their "disasters" are blown out of proportion. And never trust what you read on some internet site (the irony, I know.)

Just focus on video games, girlfriends, boyfriends, w/e... life will be good when you focus on what matters.
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