Introduce Yourself

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Hey, what's up everyone?! Despite my age, this is my first time being part of a forum.

Here's who I am:
Name: Jomar Rabara
Age: 18 (Turn 19 in several months.)
Education: University of Hawaii Maui College
Major: Electronics and Computer Engineering Technology (ECET)
Hometown: Kahului, Maui, Hawaii
Former Occupation: U.S. Air Force Civil Air Patrol (CAP)
Hobbies: Hiking, Fitness, Running, Airsoft, and Reading
Favorite Video Games: Halo Franchise and Dead Space 1-2

Why I'm Here?
Three years ago, my cousin caught my interest of his ODST armor (Halo 2). Since then I've been very interested in making my own set of armor.

What I want to do?
Begin with the basics and start off slow. I would probably just build a Helmet first.

What do I want to build
When Halo 3 ODST came out, I was surprised by the armor detail that Hell-jumpers wore. The armor itself was more appealing to me. My plan is to build the ODST armor

I hope some of this information will be helpful to you in some way that you have an understanding of who I am.
What I want to do?
Begin with the basics and start off slow. I would probably just build a Helmet first.

If building helmets was basic we would all be masters. Helmets are one of the most hardest things you can make and it doesn't matter how you do it either. The amount of detail in them scares most people and they never finisher after seeing it. Basic would be something like a hand plate or forearm. That will give you time to adjust to scaling and working with pep.

But of course you can go about your project as you see fit. Welcome to the forum! Good luck partner!
The post only allows for a certain amount of characters. I didn't have much room to mention that I had some experience making props from Pepakura. But thanks for the advice Agent Arizona.
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