Just introducing myself.

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New Member
Name: Jordan G
Profession: Currently unemployed looking for a job as EMT
Age: 23
Favorite Hobby: Videogames and going to the cenimas
Favorite part of halo: The armor of course!
Favorite Halo: Halo 4
Favorite Video Game: Assassins Creed series and the Batman series
Other Interests: Listening to new music and swimming.
Favorite Food: Lasagna and enchiladas. Love them tortas too.
Favorite Band: at the moment Sons of the East
Favorite Movie(s): RepoMen, The Prestige, King Arthur(Clive Owen), Vfor Vendetta quite a few others

I served with the Marine Corps and now I'm trying to find a University to attend to eventually become a neurosurgeon. I plan on building a complete Halo 4 master chief costume for my self and for the wiff.(wife) I enjoy all forms of art and recently started painting canvas and it turns out I am pretty good. I llok forward to working with anybody and making new interweb friends. I am pretty mellow but i can get pretty rowdy and of course i have a great and dark sense of humor.
Hey i'm glad i got some sort of response! I have been away for a while but I'm back for good now! Have you built anything yet?
FROIE. My apologies for not welcoming you back in Sept. Thank you for your service, and it looks like you are ready to serve in a different fashion. Advice: Take your time, read, investigate the type of armor you wish to build, read, decide what material you want to use, read, mistakes will happen so don't get discouraged, read, watch some Youtube tutorials, read........are you seeing a pattern yet? Everything you could possible need is either in a tread or can be answered by one of the members. You may not get that answer right away but trust me...it will get answered. Some people take up to a year or more to build 1 suit......so don't be surprised if it might take longer.......you are going to need a lot of study time if you are going for Neurosurgery. Think of building a suit as a marathon rather than a sprint race. The more time you take the better your suit will be. Good luck. If I can assist in any way.....just give a shout.
Hey, Welcome to 405th! I started here in September as well. If you have an idea of what you want to build, use the site search bar to find threads of other users who have built the same thing. It helps to see the process and be inspired by the dedication and finished pieces of others. Good luck!
Hey thanks I appreciate it! I have been reading that "everything a noob should know" package(not actual title but close enough). It was a lot of help and i just finished on sizing a set of armor. I do have a question, does it matter what kind of glue I use when putting the pieces all together or does the resin make it obsolete? I'm using craft rubber cement at the moment.
Hey thanks I appreciate it! I have been reading that "everything a noob should know" package(not actual title but close enough). It was a lot of help and i just finished on sizing a set of armor. I do have a question, does it matter what kind of glue I use when putting the pieces all together or does the resin make it obsolete? I'm using craft rubber cement at the moment.

I use super glue. It is fast acting, strong and does not take a whole lot to glue pieces together. The down side is, it is real easy to mess up and kinda hard to correct the issue once messed up. If you plan on using superglue I recommend the methodology of "cut clean lines, test fit the pieces twice, look for problems, test fit again, look for more problem, test fit, then glue". But ultimately, I believe it's all preference. I used regular Elmers glue on my first helmet and found that it cause the paper to get too wet and warp for me (but some people have better luck than I do lol).

I guess the best thing I can recommend is that you just try different techniques until you find one that best suits you.

Best of luck to you!
Any type of PVA glue has a certain amount of moisture that could warp paper....even the 110 card stock. Super glue is good, fast acting but once the pieces are together.....that's it. You move on to the next regardless if its in the wrong spot. You would have to rip the pieces apart. Iv'e been using Duco cement. Its faster acting than PVA, not as fast as Super glue but I don't have to worry about gluing my fingers to the pieces or to each other. It also cleans up better than Super glue. There is also the hot glue.....contact cement........the glue stick ...........tape (Not recommended though)...........

You have to understand that this is one of the topics that everyone of us has their own opinion on. Which one is better than the other? I can't.....I won't say because what works for me, might not work for someone else, or for you. You are going to have to try different things till you find what works for you.
Alrighty. I switched to using Beacon 3 in 1 glue I think it's also in between super glue and the craft glue. So far so good! Thanks again!
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