Legendary Armor M6G progress....

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Jr Member
Hey guys, thought I would consolidate all of the posts here for the progress of the Halo 3 Magnum:

3D Modeled in Rhino:



Nailing down the size...


Being CNC Machined:


Finished Parts:


Cleanup and adding details:



The material it's being made out of is called Renshape. It's a super-dense foam. Like a hard wood almost. You can get a super smooth finish out of the CNC and it sands easily. The small black piece there is laser engraved and cut acrylic. I still need to machine the slide, the clip, and the laser sight shroud for the top- should be done with those this week.

The text will be laser engraved right into the Renshape, like we did for the bottom of the clip on the MA5C.

More pics and info here: http://www.legendaryarmor.net
Stormy i gotta say... That looks amazing its so smooth and detailed, it looks like your crafting a real weapon. Great work, cant wait to see it done. You guys keep it up :)
Yeah... It's coming out so well it makes me want to try getting one spin cast in aluminum and clear anodized. Maybe this summer... :D
Sweet. What did you make it out of? and does it work :p
I still say you should let me design the reciever and have it made out of a Lightweight steel and make this puppy for real.
I can do machining work like no other and i have a buddy of mine with a class 3 license who is also a smith. :) Hes got a full working shop woth lathe's and presses etc.

Looks Bad @ss regardless. the attention to detail is staggering. Keep it up dude
The release button is laser cut acrylic, topped with a piece of styrene with a ribbed texture. I thought about making a cap gun out of it. LOL A non-gun would be cool.

If I ever decided (for some reason) to make this into a real gun, I've got it covered- thanks ;)
ooh. rhino! im going to be learning that soon, and by the standard of that pistol, it looks a good programme
ooh. rhino! im going to be learning that soon, and by the standard of that pistol, it looks a good programme

It's a great program. If you know AutoCAD at all, you're halfway there. Very similar commands.

At least as far as the 2d stuff. The 3d stuff is all NURBS based- I didn't really mess with AutoCAD's 3d tools. It DID help that I already had some experience with NURBS from Maya.
Great work guys.

I understand you are working with NURBS. What file format are you exporting out? Do your machines take .stl files? I wasn't sure if this was a standard format or not.
We use a plug-in for Rhino called RhinoCAM that does all the tool pathing inside Rhino itself, then it exports it as G-code- which is what the machines actually use to run.

Mesh models we import and use RhinoCAM to path. Usually .obj. It can import an .stl but I don't think we've ever done one that way.

STL is a standard format, we use it when we send items out for "growing" via SLA or SLS. We don't have one of those in-house. Yet... ;)
More pic-a-liciousness:



I took some artistic license with the writing on the slide, in terms of the font. I know it's not 100% accurate to the game- but I think it looks better.
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