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This thing is all fake and wont work. The fact that mother nature collides particles at a rate higher than 600 million per second without the earth exploding or sucking into a black hole, it shows this machine is weaker than mother nature itself.
Bloodl3tt3r said:
Ok, I'm sick of this kind of sensationalist BS. Smashing particles doesn't make a black hole, smashing particles creates (and I mean that in the loosest sense possible, because you can't "create" matter, you can only manipulate it...) other particles that we want to study. Sleep well.

Now don't hold this against me but...
Back in highschool, I did have a somewhat interesting (to say the least) teacher that talked about some scientists describing that the "creation of matter" was actually possible and occurring everyday. The creation of Plasma matter in the depths of space happens. The reason this law of matter exists was simply because no human has ever seen matter being created from nothing. ( Now like i said, "interesting" haha)
But this was a couple of years ago. I'm sure now what most of them are now describing is Dark Matter. In which is already existing therefore NOT being created from nothingness.
I dunno, but i do like this science talk. :)
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Technically, the dark matter is still only a theory. A very plausible one, true, but its existence is still only theorized upon. It's supposed to be enveloping the universe on the outer side.
It hasn't been tested yet. They released the first particle beam early this morning, they are about to release the other later today. It's a long and highly detailed process, they can't just dump both beams together at once and see what happens. Besides, it takes time to accelerate particles of the first beam to the speed of light, then the same has to be done with the second before they can be allowed to collide. The results of this experiment won't be known for at least another year, according to the reports of the scientists working on it and the experiment alone will take days. I'm just watching an interview with a Croatian scientist who is a member of the CERN team that works on the experiment.
Odessa-086 said:
It hasn't been tested yet. They released the first particle beam early this morning, they are about to release the other later today. It's a long and highly detailed process, they can't just dump both beams together at once and see what happens. Besides, it takes time to accelerate particles of the first beam to the speed of light, then the same has to be done with the second before they can be allowed to collide. The results of this experiment won't be known for at least another year, according to the reports of the scientists working on it and the experiment alone will take days. I'm just watching an interview with a Croatian scientist who is a member of the CERN team that works on the experiment.

I think they mean a year before those lucky guys publish their findings in Science or Nature. But I bet Discovery will weasel some preliminary stuff out of them with all the specials they have to have in production right now on it.
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Sigma-LS said:
I think they mean a year before those lucky guys publish their findings in Science or Nature. But I bet Discovery will weasel some preliminary stuff out of them with all the specials they have to have in production right now on it.

I'm not sure about that, to me it sounded they meant that it will be at least a year before any solid findings have been concluded from the results of the experiment. After all, this is probably the biggest experiment ever, a lot of things will need to be amended, theories founded and disproved, not to mention a whole lot of analyzing that will need to be done. No one can actually be present at the experiment site, the only people observing it are the members of the CERN team who work on it. I think it's a bit early to speculate which TV station will be the first to get the rights to air it, let alone which scientists will publish their papers in prestige magazines like Science.
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You're probably right. I guess huge collabs do have a habit of bogging down and the machine is brand new. I was just thinking that the new data they start pulling out of this is going to definitely be Science worthy. I mean if using zircon grains as source tracers in paleoriver systems or utilizing OSL dating techniques to describe a pre-Clovis site that's been known for over 20 years can make Science, anything indicating new quantum particles or properties of quantum interactions is going to be a huge shoe-in. As to who publishes what, it's outside my field and I don't know the individuals involved. But if this machine doesn't produce high-profile research like that within a fairly short period (1-2 years), heads are definitely going to roll.

BTW- I was poking fun at Discovery. :lol: They have a habit of jumping on every media thing they can lately. If it makes the news, they make a show on it very quickly. They also tend to throw more money at physics related specials than say NatGeo or History.
Sean Bradley said:
....bbbbbut the innernet said the black holes were going to eat our babies and I believed them!!!! The innernet lied to me! :eek:

Sean, you seem rather irritated at my responce to everything. I never stated that the infant devouring black wholes were going to happen. I just stated the theories that have been circulated.
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I have to say I have little to no doubt it will yield some pretty important results, I am really looking forward to seeing what they come up with.
At this point, I wouldn't mind Discovery getting their hands on something regarding this experiment, I want to see what's happening, heh
Bigbang? LOL!
Over the top imagination at its best, something that will never be proven, because its all in their imagination.
I'd say we would be better off if these "smart" people just landed from whatever cloud 9 they're in and work on something more useful for everyone else..
So how do you propose universe was born? Let's hear your ideas, then. If you can be bothered bashing on other people's ideas, you should logically have your own to disprove theirs with. Let's hear it, then. No point in empty bashing and loud-mouthing if you have nothing to support your arguments with.
Odessa-086 said:
So how do you propose universe was born? Let's hear your ideas, then. If you can be bothered bashing on other people's ideas, you should logically have your own to disprove theirs with. Let's hear it, then. No point in empty bashing and loud-mouthing if you have nothing to support your arguments with.

Yeah, that's what I was going to say... you beat me.
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hmm....with all this science talk, i can smell some religion getting into the conversation, but then again, i cant.

I really want to see what happens october 21st, thats when they start the collision experiments. No, they won't make a black hole able to kill us all, but how cool would it be?

and frost, no faith in fellow man? cmon! it'll work!

oh, and supposedly there are sooooo many lawsuits against CERN attempting to stop the LHC from being turned on, some religious nuts......
There will always be some religious nuts protesting with their ignorance on their side...as if that would help them win an argument.

I gotta post this now. (attachment)

I also predict this thread getting locked unless we stop even mentioning religion...
Now, I'm not an atheist, but religion has no place in science and vice versa...
Chris Bryan, I got a ton of respect for ya man but no need to bash the scientists. People devote their lives to what they do, and you got to respect that. I think learning more about the origin of the universe and the most basic building blocks of the universe is a worthy cause. I mean if people want to get downright utilitarian, there would be no need for artisan's or anything else. Scientists do contribute in terms of technology, understanding natural processes, medicine. Your opinion is your right but keep in mind we're some of the people you're telling GTFO and do something else.

Everybody else- And obviously, no religion debates or LOCKAGE.
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