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Yeah, tbh I couldn't find anything but Master Chief files on the database.

On the otherhand, if this thread isn't stickied, it needs to be:

I'm not doing a H4 build, but I'm definitely bookmarking that! :)

ooooooo. shiny. thanks for pointing that out! :D

i am still trying to find time to get to a computer so i can update my thread.
im doing this via xbox.

i have a question tho... i am in the middle of my scout helmet and it is unfolded inside out :/ its is still fine but i have been using normal glue instead of hot glue will resin eat the glue or will it be ok? and also, i ahve a shin done but it has no support struts and it is pretty sturdy, should i go and hunt down carpathias supports or try to resin without them? thanks!
Normal glue should be fine - I personally prefer UHU contact adhesive, but it's reasonably uncommon for the glue to be affected by resin. As for supports - they're very useful but not entirely necessary. Use your best judgement.
Normal glue should be fine - I personally prefer UHU contact adhesive, but it's reasonably uncommon for the glue to be affected by resin. As for supports - they're very useful but not entirely necessary. Use your best judgement.

thanks for the note! ill be using hot glue once i find my gun.

ill be uploading pics once i get to meijer and buy resin. when i get there, i saw a fibreglass resin and bodyfiler. is the body filler used in the bondo stage? ans isthe bondo fibreglass resin what i use for the resin? i just want to be sure.
thanks for the note! ill be using hot glue once i find my gun.

Try to steer away from using hot glue. From personal experience it's more of a pain than it's worth when you're assembling things in Pepakura format. As I said, I personally use UHU All-Purpose Adhesive and I have done for years without issue

ill be uploading pics once i get to meijer and buy resin. when i get there, i saw a fibreglass resin and bodyfiler. is the body filler used in the bondo stage? ans isthe bondo fibreglass resin what i use for the resin? i just want to be sure.

Run yourself through what you just said and maybe you'll realise that you already know the answer:

Body filler = bondo
Fibreglass resin = resin

Or, if you want to be particularly fruity, you can give fibreglass a miss and try rondo instead.
Try to steer away from using hot glue. From personal experience it's more of a pain than it's worth when you're assembling things in Pepakura format. As I said, I personally use UHU All-Purpose Adhesive and I have done for years without issue

Run yourself through what you just said and maybe you'll realise that you already know the answer:

Body filler = bondo
Fibreglass resin = resin

Or, if you want to be particularly fruity, you can give fibreglass a miss and try rondo instead.

thanksfor pointing that out. I bought resin, paintbrushes, gloves and a respirator today and due to the helmet turning into a dismal fail, i am doing the h3 recon helmet istead of scout. ill be doing the first resin work tommorow. I have a shin ready and ill try to bust out the helmet tonight to be ready for the resin. Finaly some progress around here.
What kind of paint brushes did you get? Just be aware that you will most likely not be able to fully clean the resin off the brushes. So if you didn't get cheap, disposable brushes, you may want to consider it.
Just be aware that you will most likely not be able to fully clean the resin off the brushes

I use acetone to extend the life of my brushes from a single use to five or six uses a piece. Some brushes don't react well to it though, depending on the composition of the bristles. Given that you're in the US and I buy from a UK store I couldn't really give you a decent place to obtain brushes from, but I'd advise searching online to see if you can find any deals.
What kind of paint brushes did you get? Just be aware that you will most likely not be able to fully clean the resin off the brushes. So if you didn't get cheap, disposable brushes, you may want to consider it.

I bought .77 cent brushes that are 1 inch. i thought of the disposable part.
I REALLY hope you have a chatpad keyboard for your controller....

Yes sir, I do. (oh god, that would take forever without one.)
I started my first piece with resin today, I resend the left shin and a scout shoulder tester. I also decided to do the recon helmet by missing Spartan but when I printed it, everything was in landscape. On the viewer the pages where in landscape, how do I fix this??

Also, after resin, I do inside glassing and then bodyfiller right?
Pics to come.
I also decided to do the recon helmet by missing Spartan but when I printed it, everything was in landscape. On the viewer the pages were in landscape, how do I fix this??

Make sure your printer settings match Pepakura's settings before you print. If the pages are laid out in Landscape, make sure your printer's working in Landscape also.
fixed the file.

resin has been done on the shin and a shoulder plate. ill be doing the inside coat on saturday unless i should wait till i get fibreglass cloth before doing an iside layer.
posted via my xbox. and chat pad.
sorry for the 3x post, but updates are afoot.
1. first layer resin done on the toe of the left boot.(having issues with the 3 part boot )
2. first layer resin on both scout shoulders.
3. first layer resin done on the shin and awaiting glassing(should i do a second layer of resin on the outside and a first layer on the inside before glassing?)
4. first layer resin done on the outside of the left bicep. im using the multiplayer one, any ideas on how i would attach the shoulder playes?
ok, i have some new questions, when i do glassing, should i have have at least 2 layers on the outside?
when i get to bondo (im testing everything on the shin first) after i finish bondo on the shin, is it able to be cut in half and ready to be wired,paded, and primed/ painted?

side note: sorry for the lack of photos, ill be getting them up son, i just found my camera cord.
again, sorry for my lack of pictures. but more updates are here, i have had little time to work on my suit for the past week due to some depresion, and overall lack of time. i have the money to go out and buy fibreglass cloth, and i hope bondo, heres my update list,
helmet is ready for glassing,
chest is being resized so i can actually breathe with it on.(i got to the collar of the hd chest and it would choke me even if i trimed it back ;-;)
instead of the mkvi chest, im doing the recon chest now and its ready for resin.
left shin is ready for glassing and right shin is ready to be peped.
switched from hd torso to low def torso ( its just too much to look at and try to sort out due to how skinny i am.)
cod, thighs, boots, forearms, and hands are coming soon.
im thinking about doing the biceps so they can hold any type of h3 shoulder permutation... and does the shoulder plate height have to match the bicep height? the testers are way too big.
and lastly, im looking for the pep files for the halo 1 health pack. i want to make it into a openable box i can carry around at the convention.

posted via my xbox360.
I think this might help. I know the picture says viewer, but I think you should be able to load it in pepakura designer too. :) http://www.deviantart.com/art/Halo-health-pack-papercraft-pdo-390109087 It was the only one I could really find. I checked all the Halo pep databases that I am aware of and I didn't see it.

thanks! ill check it out when i get to my moms tomorrow. i have a list of things to get done by sunday DX. chest, that mauler you did, it looks like a replica and a half, resin, glassing i hope, a shin, and like 5 other parts. »~«
AS I PROMISED! i got to a computer, heres my picture updates!
The helmet finished and ready for resin and... this was the only picture i had before resin was done. I stand proud,
Heres the helmet ready for glassing and the chest ready for resin.

More to come soon. i hope....


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