Loyalty To The Clan

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New Member
So how long do you think the 405th will be around? I mean, how long is everyone willing to stay loyal with this group? Also, what will this group be like in the coming years? Will the members still be intact? Will our fanbase dwindle, or thrive? What if Halo disappears and we have nothing to relate to in our boards? How will this forum survive? Has anyone else thought of such questions, and it'd be appreciated if everyone gave their two cents on this topic. What will the future hold for the 405th?
i thought about this also....if its like starwars then it will be around for many years, bungie im guessing there going to make another three then we might be around 10 more years then
Although my voice is not often heard I have thought of these problems. It is sad that I must say that like all things this forum will pass. Bungie will most likely not continue Halo's legacy after halo wars there will be truly nothing to talk about. By that time almost every prop will be made,every level on multiplayer and campaign alike will be mastered and the true meaning of losing yourself in a first person shooter as symbol of hope, destroying an alien race, and protecting your home planet will mean nothing to many people. I for one will always remain loyal even after the end of Halo 3(No I have not seen what is after the credts and no I have not beaten it on legendary I do have a normal life ...sometimes) I will remain loyal. I am and always will be Spartan 448.
Warmonger said:
Although my voice is not often heard I have thought of these problems. It is sad that I must say that like all things this forum will pass. Bungie will most likely not continue Halo's legacy after halo wars there will be truly nothing to talk about. By that time almost every prop will be made,every level on multiplayer and campaign alike will be mastered and the true meaning of losing yourself in a first person shooter as symbol of hope, destroying an alien race, and protecting your home planet will mean nothing to many people. I for one will always remain loyal even after the end of Halo 3(No I have not seen what is after the credts and no I have not beaten it on legendary I do have a normal life ...sometimes) I will remain loyal. I am and always will be Spartan 448.

*Tears up* Lol yeah I agree. Why go through this trouble of comprising this forum, gaining friendships, and communicating together on a level we all have an interest in; for nothing?
I just want to keep these boards alive because so much personality and relations have been made, it'd be a waste of time to the members to suddenly say our goodbye's and show a last stand. Even after the props have been made, the levels mastered, and loss of time spent playing Halo we all have the memories. Where are we gonna be in the coming years? Will the 405th remain intact? Slowly, all things wear out but I dont think this community should. Why would it have too? If it's loss of interest, than this group wouldnt have been made in the first place. That's why we are here, we dedicate our time to something we value strongly in. That's my impression of the 405th, a group of dedicated loyalists, faithful to their interests. But all good things come to an end, just dont let that end come so quickly.
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I've only been poking around these forums for the past couple of months, but if the years I spent playing Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory (and that game was free) and belonging to an online community while doing it are any indication, this place will be alive as long as the owners keep the server up. The more time people spend together working on common projects and ideas, the longer a forum thrives. I wouldn't worry about it. If the interest in Halo dwindles (unlikely, there are still Doom servers out there, for crying out loud), people will find new interests, new props to make, and the site will evolve. These things always do.
Warmonger said:
Bungie will most likely not continue Halo's legacy after halo wars there will be truly nothing to talk about.

you do know halo wars is not made by bungie right?

any way.. i will always be loyal to this site and to the halo franchise.. and like Warmonger said... i will always be spartin 639
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I've been a long-standing member of several other prop-related boards for the last seven years, pertaining to the Star Trek franchise and the props seen in the shows and films, and in my opinion this community is just as interested and dedicated to what we do here as the people on these other boards.

I know there's a bit of a difference between the Star Trek and HALO franchises (the length of time each franchise has been around, for one), but those communities and this one are essentially the same; a coming together of individuals who have a love for the franchise and what it represents, to share thier love of it with others, and a strong desire to make it part of thier lives.

As such, I don't see why this place won't flourish just as much as these other boards, or continue to go on as long as the others. The Star Trek franchise itself has sort of come to a standstill (there hasn't been any new "material" coming out for a couple years now), yet you don't see those communities dwindling or losing interest, and turning into virtual ghost towns.

I've found that so long as there is an ongoing, common interest is such things (and there most certainly IS), communities like this will never die out. So, I'm not afraid that this place will go away, unless the Site Owner decides it's not viable at some point. Other than that, there'd really be no reason for it to. In the short time I've been involved here, I've learned a great deal and enjoy the company of my fellow members. It's a great place to be, with a wonderful group of people.

I for one will always remain loyal to the 405th. SPARTAN II signing off... :cool:
I dont care I dont like halo for halo.....I like halo for the chief LOL! Hes more than just a character from a game hes a symbol to us. A hero, a god if you will...Il always this the same way towards halo.
The problem with being dedicated to a game is that games unlike movies usually do not age as gracefully with the masses.

Which means we need WETA to get their butts in gear the next couple of years. Just imagine a Halo series that follows the movie sort of like Stargate SG-1 did. Then it would really have some staying power.
I agree with SpartanII. Time passes, but interest does not always pass as well. I'm extremely active in a Aliens/Colonial Marines forum. Focusing on a move 20 years old. We've members around the globe, we take pride in helping others get equipped with accurate armor and gear.

Every year at DragonCon we gather and have a blast. We march in the parade, and recreate the Colony Sweep. There are far larger costuming groups, but none have more camadarie than we do.

This forum may be dedicated to a video game and not a movie, but it's the membership that keep it alive. That's what determines duration of interest. The members.

Our Colonial Marines forum is extremely active. Extremely. The Pulse Rifle is one of the most recogonized prop weapons there ever was. Ever.

The Spartan Armor is and will be one of the most recogonized armors ever. It will always, always be that way.

Some of our members will undoubtedly move on to other things, that happens. A core will always remain...
To quote the words of Yahtzee, a British game reviewer "Halo is now more popular than God"

Im sure that the community will stay alive. As long has Halo lives, the community lives. Theres diehard fans like us who make props and armor because we love it so much.Even if the community does die, the forums should be left up. A sort of Memorial? When I'm an old man I'll go up into the loft, grab my Dusty 360 and show my Grankids the best darn game ever. And they better like it
Spartan-129 said:
To quote the words of Yahtzee, a British game reviewer "Halo is now more popular than God"

When I'm an old man I'll go up into the loft, grab my Dusty 360 and show my Grankids the best darn game ever. And they better like it

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I think it's OK if this disappears eventually.

My main motivation for working on Halo armor right now is the technical challenge. I want to see how far someone can go on very little, how much quality one can produce for a measurable amount of effort and resources. I like developing processes and methods that empower others to create, and that's something I can be interested in for a long, long time. The next game for me will be Starcraft II, then, who knows, whatever's next. Everything changes, especially popular video games. I don't think this site/franchise is any less susceptible to that.

...That all being said, there will eventually be a core group here that continues to build, improve, teach, etc, but for me, it's best to constantly be breaking ground, gathering no moss. I'll consciously be moving on to the next best thing after Halo 3 is 'old and busted'. Hopefully by the time I get a suit or a couple weapons and a perm helm done it'll be time to turn with the skills I've picked up to Starcraft Marine Armor.
I dont know about all of you but im going to stay around yntil the end of this site. Say "I!" if you agree with me (bout stayin)

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