Making Emile's Visor

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Killer Koala

New Member
Hi all!

So I'm beginning my journey to make a set of Emile's armor (come on, with that skull on his face, who couldn't resist). The thing is, his visor takes up most of the helmet, much like the EVA visor. It's not exactly a grab-a-motorcycle-visor-and-stick-it-in job. So I was doing some searching and I found this:

The idea is to trim the ends of the fishbowl and then paint it gold and paint/carve the skull on it. What do you guys think? And what type of paint should I use?
I dont' think it'll work. The bowl is too rounded, emile's visor is differently shaped. Either a vac-form, or I thought of making a mold and casting it in clear resin (I'm making emile too :p) good luck though if you want to try!
Yeah the thing is, I don't think I'm ready to jump into mold making and vac-form right now, especially considering that I have yet to complete a set of armor :unsure I'm also not too fond of resin, so I'll be making my armor with paper mache. I know this is very limiting but I'm still looking for alternatives. I've thought of taking a trip to Chinatown and picking up some of those cheap sun visors, but I'm not sure how "Emile-friendly" they'd be.
Then the fishbowl seems best... If it's a material that can be heated, you might be able to hit it with a hair-dryer to make it bendable. That's the best I can think of!
Considering its your first armor.. I dont really recommend going for something so difficult.

However, I think that if you could cut up the fishbowl in the correct fashion and heat it ( you'll probably need a heat gun for a good temp)

you might be able to get the right curves..

You could also always talk to some of the other forum veterans in terms of getting someone to vac-form a visor for you.

I believe that theres a few vets working on the emile, notable BenStreeper.
How much peping experience do you have? If you've only pepped one or two things, then you may not want to start with the helmet, save it for the end. I would recommend starting with the forearms or the shins, as they are the simplest unfolds. To be honest, pretty much all the armor parts for the Reach peps are fairly advanced, but those pieces are what I would recommend starting with.
I'd say I've had a fair amount of pepping experience. I've done an arm here and there, the rookie helmet, and now I'm starting the Reach chest. I just haven't really gone past the pepping stage yet or pep a full set of armor I've looked at the Reach files and they don't seem too difficult, but you'd probably know more than I do lol. I just got sick of the Rookie helmet. All those tiny folds drove me crazy :angry

But the more I think about it, I think I'd be better off saving Emile for another day. I might start with Carter or my own Reach Spartan.
Hey Killer Koala Pm NZ-TK I mean he make eva visors and he can help you to make yours.

Hope this helps you. And he said it in an thread. I must surch little bit around.
Ah ha...Thanks for pointing that out guys. I appreciate that, I really do, but I've decided to stick with a Mark VI build and finish it for Reach/Halloween. I figured since it's my first set of armor I shouldn't do anything too fancy. If somewhere down the road I still wanna wear that skull on my face, I'll definitely look into finding a EVA visor :D
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