Mark V Wip Shoulder, Stomach, And Cod Piece

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Jr Member
ok here it is the stomach, cod piece and left or right shoulder idk which one, anyway how does the shoulder look, too big? too small? or just right, it fits pretty good, its a little loose but with some foam and after the reinforcing i think it wiil fit pretty good. And how in the world am i supposed to resin the cod piece of the stomach, because for the cod peice i was thinking just ,make it like a belt, but what do i do when i glass and resin it? cuz right now i cant just put it on, it wont go past my thighs, so do i only resin and glass the part that covers the crotch? and same with stomach do i only resin and glass the front abb piece and make the rest like a belt?
shoulder looks pretty good, but i don't think that you need to make a new thread for each piece. You should consolidate them into 1.
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