Mb's Odst Build.

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update, got alot done today. got the backplate looking like something. added the 2 block details on it. still have to smooth out some spots and finish the details. like the bands going around the neck. the viser is ok. i am going to vacform it so i can mount in the helmet sculpt so i have something to sculpt to on the face of the helmet where it meets the viser. i also started to add details to the helmet. long way to go on that. as you can see in the last pic. but trucking right along.






That chest piece is looking Beast (what coloar and type of paint is that?) and i see you fixed the helmet and it looks awesome! Nice going bro! I can't wait to see it finished.
i use the primer to show me bad spots. there will be stuff that looks great when the bondo is sanded. but when you paint it. all the bad spots jump out at you. i get the basic sape going then , a coat of primer to show what needs to be done to clean it up.
here is the test pull for the viser. i just pulled it out of .100 hips i had laying around. it came out ok. i need to make the curve more pronounced.

here it is by itself and in the helmet. yeah i am going to make them clear. but i need one to sculpt the helmet with.


It's looking great Bungle! I'm guessing that you're going to use dye to tint the visors as well. What type of dye will you use if so?

The pieces are shaping up nicely! :) Keep at it bud!
the only comment is that it seams the chin is off when you compare it to rundown 3d model

picture from rundown thread

i am not sure what dye to use to tint the viser yet.

on the chin, i noticed it too. the part inbetween the 2 cheek parts needs to come out further. then build the chin. i thought i had it built out enough but i didn't. no biggie. just bring it out more.
update, i reworked the chin to bring it out more and have started to carve out the bottom details around the helmet.

on the backplate, i am adding details and slots on the sides for a belt to come through.

i also started the chestplate.






Didn't realize you were here too, really cool to see some of the really talented SW builders picking up some Halo projects :D Will move this over to the pep forum like Torsoboy's one :)

Everything is looking good so far, will have to keep an eye on this thread too I think.
thanks, man . it is coming along. does anyone have the file for the buckle clips. the triangle looking clips at the top of the chest armor. i want to get those cut from aluminum but i want to see if there is a file out there before i draw them up to give to the metal guy.

and i need better pics of the back of the shin armor and gaunlets from the landfall video.

thanks to any one who can help.

here is the current status of the helmet. i have redone the chin for the 3rd time. what do you think?? is it out far enough?? i think it is alot better than it was, but want some opinions before i clean the chin area up.

and here is pretty much finished backplate, just need to add the neck rings and clean it up.






here is where we stand right now. details starting to come around. i cut the top lines in and added the side pieces on the jaw line. i cut out the back to build it out of plastic, to many falt parts to build out of bondo. i am going to get all the details in and then it is clean up after that.



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