Mb's Odst Build.

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OMG. :eek

This is turning out to be one of the best helmets/builds out there... I'm really impressed, and admire your skills!

Congrats on having the thread moved to Elite. I knew it was only a matter of time... you're hard work and talent is what brought you there. you deserve this!
mrbungle said:
thanks, guys. but i am a rank amature compared to this guy.

peter mander, my new personal hero. he has a thread on here too. this guys work is truely amazing.


Yeah, I've seen a lot of Pete's work on Youtube and a couple in person at Dragon Con. His Predator stuff is amazing!

But so is your's Mr. Bungle! :)
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thanks, guys.

here is the helmet , i have the front pretty much finished, just need to tidy up the details here and there. i am making a new viser that fits better. i still have to finish the back and add the weather striping that goes around the bottom of the helmet. i still also have to do the grey padding that comes out of the back of the helmet.



That is just bad @$$! Hands down, one of the best Helmets I've seen... now I have to add some more details on my helmet that I see on yours... heck, I need to redo the whole thing. D**n You! :pj/k

But seriously, this is just awesome work and natural talent. Seeing props like yours, Sean's, Rube's, etc. just makes me want to do better.

Can't wait to see the rest! :)
Its looking great mate! cant wait to see it all together..

not being an ass, but the visor does look a little wide in the middle. other than that great build

not being an ass, in the description i say i am making a new viser. please read the description.


Looking good. I think this way of doing it will make your armor more sturdy and will maybe even make it look even more realistic. I look forward to seeing the finished product.
thanks for the comments ,guys.

nztk, thanks for the back up.

pooper, looking at other peoples work is what makes me want to do better sculpts. rube,evo,skygunbro and others do awesome work , and makes me get off my butt to do better.

i do plan to mold up the helmet and the other parts. the helmet will be resin with a vacformed viser and rubber for the grey pads that come out the bottom on the back.
Wow!!! That is possibly one of the best ODST helms/suits I've seen. Keep up the good work. Like Pooper said, now I have to make a new suit!!! (One that can only dream to ascend to the levels of bad@ssery that yours has.) Be careful if you sell this though, for it should go for a lot of money, and I can only imagine how many people would love to recast it.

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