McLen's MJOLNIR Mk VI Project

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New Member
Greetings 405th,

My name is Michael, I'm from Albany NY. I am recently unemployed, so I have a ton of time on my hands. I have wanted to make a set of Spartan armor since Halo 2, I just never had time. I started this project last week, and am making decent headway. It WILL be done by Halloween, or I lose a bet. I hate losing. On to the pics!

In all seriousness, the helmet probably could have come out much, much better.

And here is the progress on the chest.

Chest is getting finished and helm will be fiberglassed tomorrow. Stay tuned:cool
Don't rush it with the fibres, apply a layer or two of pure resin first to strengthen the material. And don't rush with that, either - if you drown a big piece in resin, it'll warp and you'll have to start over.

And remember to count in a day or two of reading on the forums ;-)
Ok, yesterday was a total loss. Didn't get a lot done today. Chest is almost done being pepped, helm has 1 coat of resin on the inside. Tomorrow is finish chest, resin outside and fiberglass inside of helm. All this before Lodge, going to be a long day.
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