[disclaimer: these numbers are approximations based on the membership status and numbers provided by the 405th.com website, all opinions expressed within do not represent/reflect the views of the creators of 405th.com, and are only provided for a ZOMG reason]
There are approximately 4600 members registered for the members of the 405th.com, but only 1600 or so are probably actual people.
Roughly based on status alone, of those 1600 people less than 10% of the members of the 405th.com own armor, or have made armor. The number with a full set is likely to be much smaller... (3% - estimate)
Broken down by Gender:
1600 Members Total
1042 No Gender Listed
495 Males
18 Females
Moderators vs Members
6 Forum Moderators
1600 forum members
Broken down by Staus
1 -- Root Admin
5 -- Global Mods
160 -- Vets (50+ posts)
1600 -- Members (< 50 post)
3050 -- Spam Bots... (never signed in or signed in once with no profile views and no posts)
There are approximately 4600 members registered for the members of the 405th.com, but only 1600 or so are probably actual people.
Roughly based on status alone, of those 1600 people less than 10% of the members of the 405th.com own armor, or have made armor. The number with a full set is likely to be much smaller... (3% - estimate)
Broken down by Gender:
1600 Members Total
1042 No Gender Listed
495 Males
18 Females
Moderators vs Members
6 Forum Moderators
1600 forum members
Broken down by Staus
1 -- Root Admin
5 -- Global Mods
160 -- Vets (50+ posts)
1600 -- Members (< 50 post)
3050 -- Spam Bots... (never signed in or signed in once with no profile views and no posts)
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