Membership Stats (Interesting)

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Walter Spase

Well-Known Member
[disclaimer: these numbers are approximations based on the membership status and numbers provided by the website, all opinions expressed within do not represent/reflect the views of the creators of, and are only provided for a ZOMG reason]

There are approximately 4600 members registered for the members of the, but only 1600 or so are probably actual people.
Roughly based on status alone, of those 1600 people less than 10% of the members of the own armor, or have made armor. The number with a full set is likely to be much smaller... (3% - estimate)

Broken down by Gender:

1600 Members Total
1042 No Gender Listed
495 Males
18 Females

Moderators vs Members

6 Forum Moderators
1600 forum members

Broken down by Staus
1 -- Root Admin
5 -- Global Mods
160 -- Vets (50+ posts)
1600 -- Members (< 50 post)
3050 -- Spam Bots... (never signed in or signed in once with no profile views and no posts)

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wow! thats alot of people!!!!

"less than 3% of the members of the own armor, or have made armor"

i was wondering that.
flying_squirl said:
wow! thats alot of people!!!!

"less than 3% of the members of the own armor, or have made armor"

i was wondering that.

I really based that information (3%) on the number of members with more than 50 posts... because if you are here, and have armor, typically you are involved, and have posted a few times.

It would be interesting if to become a full member, and to be more serious about the 405th, if you did have to submit a member photo of you in your armor to be considered a member and be 18+... It would seem to solve a lot of the issues... but its Adam's Creation, it's his beast and I will let him tame it. I am just happy this exists at all...
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Keep in mind that a large portion of the listed members were accounts created by spambots...

You should look to see how many of the members have logged in more than once to see a better representation of how many actual people have joined the site.
Sean Bradley said:
Keep in mind that a large portion of the listed members were accounts created by spambots...

You should look to see how many of the members have logged in more than once to see a better representation of how many actual people have joined the site.

Sean was right... wow, its astonishing how spam bots can effect numbers that way... figures have been updates...
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Spase said:
I really based that information (3%) on the number of members with more than 50 posts... because if you are here, and have armor, typically you are involved, and have posted a few times.

It would be interesting if to become a full member, and to be more serious about the 405th, if you did have to submit a member photo of you in your armor to be considered a member and be 18+... It would seem to solve a lot of the issues... but its Adam's Creation, it's his beast and I will let him tame it. I am just happy this exists at all...

Im against the 18+ rule. (how about 17 :D )
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I don't care either way, I past that point a few years back. Its just easier for 18 and up... no parental permission required to be apart of a group.

But again, I am happy with just having the 405th being around for answers, community, new ideas, and help... Its hard to start a full fledge organization when you are an adult, and have a job, and bills to pay. Adam and the guys will get around to organizing everything on their own schedule, and we will all be better off in the long run.


I do think to be as 405th member you should own quality armor, bought or made it doesn't matter, as long as its quality armor as defined by a set of guidelines and rules. Being a forum member and being a 405th member should be separated in my opinion. Let all the 10-15 year olds remain apart of the forum, build armor, post ideas and pictures, they're nice to have around and fun to help, they are so enthusiastic.... but to be a recognized, dependable organization requires a certain level of accountability and maturity. I am not saying the young crowd is not mature or accountable, but until someone reaches adulthood as is defined by law, there are to many grey areas an risk factors associated with them...

A good set of go by rules that could be used are those used by the 501st... here is a link to 501st rules for joining...

Again, this is not a discussion thread on rules for the 405th, let the leadership decide that... if you have a question of who the leadership is... it's not you. When they figure it out, they will let us know. Until then be happy the 405th is here at all. You can always attempt to form your own organization... or just be happy with what we have here...
please define "Quality" armor.

does that mean it has to be painted + weathered + DL visor
or does it just mean decent paint with "recognizable" armor.

just asking. this makes me sad :p

cant join 405th for another 5 years D:

good luck on forming :D

also good luck on your mold too!
Rocknrollcows said:
please define "Quality" armor.

does that mean it has to be painted + weathered + DL visor
or does it just mean decent paint with "recognizable" armor.

just asking. this makes me sad :p

cant join 405th for another 5 years D:

good luck on forming :D

also good luck on your mold too!

Spase said:
Again, this is not a discussion thread on rules for the 405th, let the leadership decide that... if you have a question of who the leadership is... it's not you. When they figure it out, they will let us know. Until then be happy the 405th is here at all. You can always attempt to form your own organization... or just be happy with what we have here...

Thanks for the good luck sentiment...
Keep in mind I am not stating rules, nor am I implying that there are stated rules yet.... its up to Adam to decide.
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Nugget said:
Be sure to remember that Doom is only 14 and yet is a Global Moderator. :whistle:

*cough* The legal age in Texas is 17. *cough*

True, I may have to drop out if we do get the green light to go ahead and call the 405th Official. I wouldn't really find it all that fair to be the only 15 Year old(Birthday is in Feb) Person in it as would everyone else . One break in tradition tends to cause chaos, but then again, tradition prevents evolution... If and once the time comes, then I will gladly step down if it needs be.

Almost all members here that are actually active are around member 3,000+, The earliest active members you see around here are only around #1,500. When I first came here there was only something like 175 members and it was really quite slow yet very resourceful. Only had a few post's a day and not to much excitement going around. Back then, there just wasn't much going on. Regardless, I still stayed on the old MA forums(If you guys even remember them :/ ) and kept active. Helping out and using my 3d experience to help out for references. Eventually Adam asked em if I wanted to be on the staff and I said alright. Since then I don't recognize anyone from way back then. Only a very select few besides the staff because recently we have been heavily flooded and most active members from then are now long gone.

"Stay true to your roots", Thats what I have always been told, and thats what I will always follow. I will stay and continue to help as long as possible regardless of what it turns in to as long as I am continued to be accepted as a fellow Moderator and Forum Goer by the members and contributers of these forums.

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I am not saying exclude anyone... its just a legal risk, and I love the 405th, organized or not... without it, I would not applied my skills to armor making....

Man this topic took a tangent...
Doom... regardless of your age, you have the distinction of being one of the earlier members, and as for your position as Forum Mod I don't think anyone would oppose/contest that.

You've been a part of this since almost the beginning it would seem, and I for one am glad to have someone like you performing the function you do. You've been of tremendous help around here, and I for one would like to see you continue to operate in your current capacity should the 405th ever become official. I'm sure Adam and others would agree with me on that.

Now, for the sake of the OP can we all please get this back on-topic? Spase's intent for this thread was not to discuss rules and membership (we have another thread here for that), it was to discuss the board stats. So... please, let's get back to that, shall we?
I think a pic in good Armor or Costume Navy Flight Crew ect and age 12 +

What is the brake down by states?

Rob W.
Spase said:
I am not saying exclude anyone... its just a legal risk, and I love the 405th, organized or not... without it, I would not applied my skills to armor making....

Man this topic took a tangent...

I do agree, I dont think the 405th should exclude anyone but if it does become official I stand by the 18+ requirement "and I know the younger members are going to be mad about it if it did happen" simply because a majority of the states in the US stand by 18 being the age you are legally an adult, you can make your own choices and you can be held accountable for your actions, on top of that anything related with 405th you would need parent permission for. I did however like the idea of a junior membership that the younger members could have with parent permission and once became 18 could be changed to a full membership.

Back on topic, Thouse stats seem about right. On my Roleplaying site board we would get easily 10-20 spambot signups a day, only way to stop them was to do manual activations which are a pain in the butt, but effective.
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Wow, thats a lot of bots, but don't forget people that share computers. My brother hasn't been able to get on because I've had so many reports to do lately. So some of them might be due to computer hogs, but that should only effect your numbers slightly.
I like how you've assumed that 405th has somehow magically become an official, legal organization. I'm 16, so frankly I'm not really worried about that rule, but it pisses me off beyond belief when people exclude the thoughts, and actions of others. I've met kids who could rival Mozart, had a 2 grader solve an equation in his head when it took me two sheets of paper to figure out. And most importantly, I've seen kids suggest some of the most brilliant ideas in the world, only to be dismissed as "foolish and ignorant" day dreams, when they are no closer to realization than a walk down the street. Children are a blessing of love and wisdom to all mankind, one that must be cared for, and respected as well. Respected because of our own lack of understanding, not their lack of age. One parent knows what a baby thinks, what is really behind their actions. What father is not amazed to see a kid take a stack of odd items, and build an self-sustaining building out of it (actually happened). For thousands of years, mankind saw superstition in that which they didn't understand, that, while silly, allowed their civilizations to evolve into greater and greater empires. Yet today we see foolish; what we can't understand, must therefore, be wrong. Whenever mankind has limited its own potential, it comes crashing down in a wave of arrogrance. Drowned by its own foolishness, yet this has not happened once, but dozens, hundreds of times. Those who do not learn from history, are doomed to repeat it. The mistakes of the past must not form the destruction of the future. So learn all, and teach well.
Spartan-121 said:
I like how you've assumed that 405th has somehow magically become an official, legal organization. I'm 16, so frankly I'm not really worried about that rule, but it pisses me off beyond belief when people exclude the thoughts, and actions of others. I've met kids who could rival Mozart, had a 2 grader solve an equation in his head when it took me two sheets of paper to figure out. And most importantly, I've seen kids suggest some of the most brilliant ideas in the world, only to be dismissed as "foolish and ignorant" day dreams, when they are no closer to realization than a walk down the street. Children are a blessing of love and wisdom to all mankind, one that must be cared for, and respected as well. Respected because of our own lack of understanding, not their lack of age. One parent knows what a baby thinks, what is really behind their actions. What father is not amazed to see a kid take a stack of odd items, and build an self-sustaining building out of it (actually happened). For thousands of years, mankind saw superstition in that which they didn't understand, that, while silly, allowed their civilizations to evolve into greater and greater empires. Yet today we see foolish; what we can't understand, must therefore, be wrong. Whenever mankind has limited its own potential, it comes crashing down in a wave of arrogrance. Drowned by its own foolishness, yet this has not happened once, but dozens, hundreds of times. Those who do not learn from history, are doomed to repeat it. The mistakes of the past must not form the destruction of the future. So learn all, and teach well.

wow, nice rant, but when push comes to shove, you're still 16 and all the complaining about being treated unfairly wont do anything. in 2 years you wont care about the rights of 16 year olds. everyone was 16 once, and if Adam decides to set the age limit at 18, all the complaining in the world wont do anything, you're 16 and you're a legal liability.
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Well, I was here on every night, and I'm starting to come back on every night. Please note I don't have armor. This is because I don't have money, and I have nobody who is willing to support me, my mom strictly anti-video games and my dad being poor as ****. So please, in any statistic thread you write, you need to have variance on your results. Regardless, nice little "For The Lulz" topic :)
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