Membership Stats (Interesting)

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I like the idea of 405th becoming official. I'm actually starting armor creation this week. SO.... what if I make it for someone else? How does that work? Does it have to be your personal suit of armor to meet the requirements to become an official member or just a suit that you have made? I do plan on making a molded one for myself but I'm going to make a pep on for my boyfriend first.

I do agree with the 18+ rule. I also think official members should have extra privileges. They should also be like mentors for junior members and I think they should organize and be in charge of events and gatherings. I know I would try to participate.
Or how about this.

18 to post

less than 18 years old, all you can do is get info on how to make a costume, cant post.

Those with armor though, under 18 can still post :p

I really wouldnt like the 405th to become offical, I think if we banded together and started marching like stormtroopers in parades, it wouldnt be as cool, a stormtrooper marching is cool just because we know they are clones, but spartans, they are usually solo type heroes, but then again it would be cool to be an offical organization and have events going here and there......

"The 405th children's hospital visit, sign up today" I'd like that.
Ewww... I wouldn't want to march in a parade. I'm talking about meeting at conventions and such. And maybe get togethers or something.
Only 18 girls??? Sheesh I guess we are rare XD I dunno about the 18 and over stuff, it kinda alienates a large demographic of people. Though it's nice to grant people access to forums etc before becoming a "Full" member. I'll atleast get a helmet done within the next few months, as my career takes up 95% of my time. Sleeping and eating are my hobbies right now XD

Oh what about Spartan jousting? Test out the durability of the armor :D
Everything we've discussed was in that earily long post I posted. (Boy, that was redundant.)

While it may stink and may even alienate a large portion of people, 18+ is the most logical way to go.
Like I said in my post, the younger ones can be a part of the forums, just not be in actual 405th.
Also, we've discussed having a split forum where only paid members can access. A place for the members to discuss things, such as conventions and the like.

And if we do any activity, it's gonna be spartan paintballing.
Who's riding on my mongoose?
You ever make it over from Singapore to the US... I tell you what, I will let you ride my Mongoose...

Man I love how threads get so far off topic...
OMG I would so make a vacation outta meeting a bunch of the advanced members for a full out paintball match in armor. YeaaaHHHH!!!!

I feel proud to be one of the first ladies on here. Wait until a year goes by and there is like 50 of us on here.
I am 14 as well, though I support the 18+ thing, it seems completly logical in a world that favors 18+. Minors should still be allowed to come to events and such via their own methods though.

Oh and, just for all to know, I am working on my armor, I am simply taking awhile with all the stuff I have to do for school, I have most of the parts resined, and most of those parts now have 2 layers of resin and are awaiting fiberglassing.

Back on topic, notice how the 501st also has the requirnment to have a costume as well as 18+. Steep requirnments.
I wonder how many of those 'no gender indicated' are people that didn't bother check one or the other?
Over on SG, they have two age levels - 13 to be an on line member and 18 to be a full costumed team member.

"You must be 13 years or older to be a registered member of the SG-Command.NET site.

You must be 18 years or older to be a member of a Team (Regional and Non-Regional) or 16 to 17 years old with permission and accompaniment of their Parent or Guardian and approval of the Team Leader.

You must be 18 years or older to represent the SGC-Command.NET organization at any officially recognized event (such as MGM Events or Sci Fi Channel events or Creation Conventions or other companies), unless approved by SGC-Commander and/or the designated SGC Coordinator and permission and accompaniment of their Parent or Guardian."
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Jarhead said:
I wonder how many of those 'no gender indicated' are people that didn't bother check one or the other?
yeah. i bet at least three of those are females! possibly more
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What ya'll should do is for people who are members not noobs are reviewed based on how the post. we should also make a commity that checks this. then for Doom we make exeptions because he is a big guy in power and knoledge. If you are under the 18+ limit as i am (2 years 1 month) then you can help with other smaller things checking out members in this, that, and those counties. Could someone PM me whe we are OFFICIAL!

Shadow Dragon
AoBfrost said:
Or how about this.

18 to post

less than 18 years old, all you can do is get info on how to make a costume, cant post.

Those with armor though, under 18 can still post :p

I really wouldnt like the 405th to become offical, I think if we banded together and started marching like stormtroopers in parades, it wouldnt be as cool, a stormtrooper marching is cool just because we know they are clones, but spartans, they are usually solo type heroes, but then again it would be cool to be an offical organization and have events going here and there......

"The 405th children's hospital visit, sign up today" I'd like that.

Well, I shure can't wait to not be aloud to post. At all. Dude, what your asking for is all inexperienced minors are banned from the start. That's not cool.
Sorry that you feel that way about us. (joke, in theory, but I really feel this way)
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I can understand why some would want an age requirement. There are some very immature people on here (both over and under 18). Then there are some people who are under 18 that are mature enough for this forum, the problem is determining who should be allowed to join and who shouldn't. I agree there should be some kind of a requirement besides age to join the forum when it becomes official. An example would be"To become an official member of the 405th the user must be [insert age here] and have [insert number here] posts on the noob forum. The user must also have at least one quality set of armor and have documentation to prove it (e.g. pics). These requirements are necessary to ensure that only serious member have the right to join. " That is just an example of what we could do, if and when the 405th becomes official. I hope that helps. I will support what ever "the mods" decision may be. /end rant

Spase said:
I don't care either way, I past that point a few years back. Its just easier for 18 and up... no parental permission required to be apart of a group.

But again, I am happy with just having the 405th being around for answers, community, new ideas, and help... Its hard to start a full fledge organization when you are an adult, and have a job, and bills to pay. Adam and the guys will get around to organizing everything on their own schedule, and we will all be better off in the long run.


I do think to be as 405th member you should own quality armor, bought or made it doesn't matter, as long as its quality armor as defined by a set of guidelines and rules. Being a forum member and being a 405th member should be separated in my opinion. Let all the 10-15 year olds remain apart of the forum, build armor, post ideas and pictures, they're nice to have around and fun to help, they are so enthusiastic.... but to be a recognized, dependable organization requires a certain level of accountability and maturity. I am not saying the young crowd is not mature or accountable, but until someone reaches adulthood as is defined by law, there are to many grey areas an risk factors associated with them...

A good set of go by rules that could be used are those used by the 501st... here is a link to 501st rules for joining...

Again, this is not a discussion thread on rules for the 405th, let the leadership decide that... if you have a question of who the leadership is... it's not you. When they figure it out, they will let us know. Until then be happy the 405th is here at all. You can always attempt to form your own organization... or just be happy with what we have here...

I have had alot of life experiences that have really matured me. However, I am not fully mature. But I can, however talk to an adult with ease and am not shy. Plus I dont like to argue with people, nor do I like to physically fight them. Alot of people tell me that I am more mature than the kids around me. Im not saying all 15 year olds are as mature as I but some of them are. Thats why there really should be no age limit. Once I was so eager to join the 501st but then I saw its 18 +.

Anyways back on topic. Its so shocking to see that many spambots!!!!
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SPARTAN405 said:
I have had alot of life experiences that have really matured me. However, I am not fully mature. But I can, however talk to an adult with ease and am not shy. Plus I dont like to argue with people, nor do I like to physically fight them. Alot of people tell me that I am more mature than the kids around me. Im not saying all 15 year olds are as mature as I but some of them are. Thats why there really should be no age limit. Once I was so eager to join the 501st but then I saw its 18 +.
Anyways back on topic. Its so shocking to see that many spambots!!!!

agreed and YES.
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Well, let me throw in my 2 cents in about 18+.

It was said that some of the members on this site that are under 18 are indeed mature enough... I think I would fit into that category - I type correctly and I'm not obnoxious.
But I would honestly be a little disgusted if the first and only site I've ever been able to see how other people can successfully make armor - when I can't due to money issues (off-topic), disallows people of my age and caliber to be allowed to even be at this site. While it sucks I won't be able to join the 405th for three years, even more since I probably won't have my armor then... (It sucks being poor) It would GREATLY suck to be disallowed to accompany those who make the good armor, when it comes to guys who are superior, like Adam and link, who I can probably honestly say they really don't care about one in a few people's armor, simply because it doesn't look any good, to the complete newest persons who cares what anyone has to say.

I really, really want to remain at this site and if I can't anymore, it will be a sad day.
Well, I hate to say it, but there is not a rule set for membership as far as I know of one existing. Most of what you read here is off the topic I intended, yet it has turned into yet another discussion of shoulds and should nots...

Mostly you can ignore what is stated here as it is all matter of individual opinion. I have not seen anyone barred from being part of this forum for anything other than misbehavior towards others and towards the community. I would not worry about this forum being closed to anyone except those that well deserved being banned. Being a member of the forum does not in my eyes constitute membership into any club, group or organization so called the 405th. There was no criteria that was applied to you when you signed up here, therefore you belong to no such organization or club, save to say that you are a member of the forum as is everyone else here, armor or no armor. Behave, and act like a mature individual, and I believe that your right to be apart of the forum will be upheld.
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