MKVI G3 - HP Recreation


New Member
Recently finished recreating the Mkvi G3 armor (no techsuit) hp based off of infinite. Was wondering if anyone here would want to take a crack at trying to convert it for 3d printing, the topo is very much so NOT made for 3d printing (much more for rendering) but I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask. If anyone does want to take a crack at it, dm me on discord, my handle is 'chunch'.
I don't know why as i've never seen the movie, but the first thing that popped into my mind was: Shiny and chrome!

You've done a great job making this armour. Very detailed

Any plans to print it for yourself?
I don't know why as i've never seen the movie, but the first thing that popped into my mind was: Shiny and chrome!

You've done a great job making this armour. Very detailed

Any plans to print it for yourself?
No plans as of yet. I’ve never prepped files for 3D printing before so before I do I have to figure that all out! I want to print it out at some point though but will def be a whole process to get working fully for printing
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