My Elite Build. Pic Alot

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I wouldn't take CE as a good reference either though. They skimped on the textures and models because it didn't have the power. Halo wars may have some issues with storyline, but I don't think there's a problem with the appearance of the elites/spartans/humans per-se. So I guess you'd have to choose what version you wanted. Halo3/reach, slit pupil. Halo2, black eye, Halo wars, orange/red eye with black pupil.
Also dont forget that in the other halos the sangheli's eyes return to the odd vertical pupil upon death because they have secondary sideways eyelids. So theres nothing that really is canon. Like how in reach when 2 people play on the same console a sangheli's teeth will dissapear on death. Also in halo legends some of the sangheli only move their lower mandibles, giving them a more human appearance when talking.

Just to give you an idea, the yellow slit pupils ones are the ones I plan to use for my Arbiter, if I ever get around to making it (money wise)....
well guys i finshed my grunt head :)

now seeing how "BIG" this Elite is going to be, and im using wood to make it strong im going to make a Grunt first so i have a idea one how to using the wood. My Elite build is one hold. i'll make a thread on my grunt. 2 weeks to go before i go to collage :|
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