My H3 WIP Helmet (Complete)

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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(WetOkole @ Apr 9 2008, 04:36 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div><div class='quotemain'>****UPDATE****

I currently have my helmet and my 2 arms done and painted and I am currently working on the shins!! So I have the Diaper, Thighs, Torso and Boots.<-------THAT IS SOME WORK RIGHT THERE!!!</div>

TWO ARMS!!! so do u have pictues of them. the first arm you did was sweet. I would love to see them together!
@WOk: Well, I can certainly see where you've been having trouble deciding on just how to progress with the shin armour, in terms of detailing.

If I'm not mistaken, the ref pics MLC was using were from the DOA SPARTAN character, hence why some of the details would be different from the actual in-game render.

Personally, I'm of the opinion "the more detail, the better", so I would've gone with the H3 details. Maybe that's just me though, lol.

Btw, you have any other pics of the rest of the pieces you've managed to do thus far? I'm sure I wouldn't be the only person interested in seeing what else you've done on this... :cool:
Ok...Been really busy and Ya I didnt make it to my Con with my Halo outfit but that is alright!! Hopefully Halloween I will have a full set up!!

But here is what I have done for the shins...working a bit more on detail but I will get back to this as soon as I am done with my CQB helmet!!







This is how I have them after I looked at the H3 ref I have a few more here and there for the details then I will be done with em and on to the thigh!!
Wow, the smoothness and detailing is looking really nice! Just out of curiosity, when you use the glaze what do you use as walls to keep glaze from flowing over your selected spot? Is it runny at all?

Personally I liked the Halo 2 shins a little bit more and the Halo 3 ones, but more detail is usually better. Looking great anyways!
Darkfire said:
Wow, the smoothness and detailing is looking really nice! Just out of curiosity, when you use the glaze what do you use as walls to keep glaze from flowing over your selected spot? Is it runny at all?

Personally I liked the Halo 2 shins a little bit more and the Halo 3 ones, but more detail is usually better. Looking great anyways!

Hey Darkfire...ok if you look at the pics whatever is shaded blue is the Glaze that I have been using. Now I went back to the Bondo because I needed to fill up some of the spots real thick and I didn't want anything running if I added the Glaze. Plus trying to use Glaze on bigger and low def files are killing me since "yes" its runny!!

But for the walls (or Retaining walls that Sigma-LS and Spase refers them as) I just folded the edge of the painters blue tape about 1/4 and use that to block off the runs. Sigma showed a sample of it in his "MUD" tutorial I believe!
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Very nice work, I wish I could see it in person! Oh wait...... I will :D I'm glad to work with ya WetOkole, and hopefully this won't be the only time. You have done amazing work on the shins. Keep it up :)
Zombified topic is zombified.

The shins look beautiful, though. Amazing work you can do with bondo.

I'd love to see it finished and painted.
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Those are officially the most beautiful shins that have originated from cardstock. Well done.
Extremely nice. Very smooth and detailed. Someone should make an suit like one of Iron Man. But master chief version. So you can be a robot and metal. That would be a big and very advanced thing to do. But would be awesome.
wow, once again I'm impressed by your work! Amazing job on that shin, looks molded too.
WOH! I must have missed this one somehow. Sorry. :(

This looks amazing buddy! Seeing the helmet take shape from start to finish is something special. Really! I can only hope that mine turns out half as good as yours!

Can't wait to see how the rest of this shapes up. ;)
Skupilkinson said:
WOH! I must have missed this one somehow. Sorry. :(

This looks amazing buddy! Seeing the helmet take shape from start to finish is something special. Really! I can only hope that mine turns out half as good as yours!

Can't wait to see how the rest of this shapes up. ;)

HA...the shins you actually see now are the shins I was working on for myself. Since I have taken up Doc_Bytes project, I have totally revamped the shin and also the details...I will post pics tonight...YES tonight because I finally have some updates!!

Thanks for the replys guys and Doc you will like what I have for your shins!! Still a WIP but for what I have let me know what to add!!
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