My Heads Big How Do I Scale

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New Member
my heads pretty big i used the one the donwload hub here at 405th for the helmet im starting to make it on sunday im scared to finish it then its to small on me but im 13 but my head isnt exactly small for my age is the one in the download hub adult size
Be more specific about which type of helmet it is, and the modeler and unfolder is some good info too.
I have a melon head and normally use a height of like 285 mm on most helmet models. It helps if you pick a simple model and pep it until you find the scale that works best for you. It also helps if you measure your head and leave a little room for padding.
xsuspectmammalx said:
my pepe files only have -------------- lines and - - - - - - lines

Go to "Line Settings", and you'll see which are which.

My best guess here is that "------" are the Valley Folds and the normal "- - - - -" are the Mountain Folds.
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Here's the best way to do it: The First Method presented here. It's more work, but it lets you scale each part to the exact right size you need, no matter who it was who unfolded it. I'm using it for my ODST, because I have a gimpy arm and a large head. Also, I'm using several different unfolds. (Some WETA, some Halo ODST, etc)
SchizophrenicMC said:
Here's the best way to do it: The First Method presented here. It's more work, but it lets you scale each part to the exact right size you need, no matter who it was who unfolded it. I'm using it for my ODST, because I have a gimpy arm and a large head. Also, I'm using several different unfolds. (Some WETA, some Halo ODST, etc)

This message has been approved by Xtreme TACTICS 101.


In all seriousness, yes, that tutorial WILL help you. I'm not just saying that because I am the creator, but I am saying that because of the hundreds of supporting people I have had PM or E-mail me saying how helpful it was.

However, I recommend a mix of Method #1 and Method #2. Use Method #1 to get the scale. Then follow Method #2 up to the part where you are told where to put the scaling number(s). Compare the scales, and adjust or recalculate if needed. By doing that, you will get an accurate measurement, then you can check it on your own body to make sure it will fit.

Good luck, and if you have any further questions regarding scaling, or anything armour or prop relaited in general, feel free to PM me. All of my contact information is in that tutorial.

P.S: don't forget to read the FAQ linked to at the bottom of the tutorial.

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alright, i believe that's rundown's. probably just scale it to your head beacause that has a relatively big opening. if it doesnt fit over your head, but nice on your head, there are easy fixes and then they can be camoflauged after hardening.
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