My introduction and first build

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New Member
Hello everyone, I'm new here and new to armor building. The reason I decided to start a set is because for the past few weeks, I've been helping some friends finish their Clone Commando armor for the upcoming Star Wars Celebration V. Back to me though, I wanted to do a costume that I hadn't seen before, and based off the helmet I'm using as a base, something simple. So I decided on a Hornet pilot. I'm using an old ski helmet as a base, and I'm using some thicker paper I had to construct the front and back wrap around. I don't have any pictures yet, but I'll get some tomorrow to post up.
Sounds like an interesting idea, when you get some pictures i'd love to see them! Good luck either way, prop making is a lot of fun, i'm sure you'll enjoy it
I've come across a "lack of file" problem. I know that the pilot armor is the same as the marine armor, but with the added chest plate. Does anyone know where I can find a pep fine for that piece? I haven't had any luck. :(
Alright, to bump this and give some updates.
First off, I'm going to hold off on the pilot set, because I don't think I'll be able to have it done when I need it, which is the weekend before Reach. I've decided to go back to an original idea of mine of doing a Halo 1 marine. So, with that down, I decided to print out and start putting the chest piece together, and after a few hours, I got a lot done. I'll put up an album I started on Facebook, but if it doesn't work, I'll just put links to the pictures up. I would really like to hear your guys' feedback.!/album.php?aid=92606&id=1142637351
looking good so far. i liked the helmet idea, you won't have to do much to get the result you want. so hopefully you finish that after reach is out, when you aren't playing of course. the marine set is easy, even with some mistakes i can assure you'll have it done. keep up the good work
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